- norm;modified cube

This paper firstly proposed some clarity-evaluation-functions of out-of-focus blurred image , they are the sum of square of gray-level gradient vector module , the sum of Roberts-gradients , and the sum of Laplacian operator .
With the characters of point spread function with cubic phase mask , we designed the Wiener filtering basing on rotating the psf with the criterion of the sum of square of gray level gradient vector module , and then restore the blurred images .
Further more , by the energy level formula obtained in the previous paper and the module square of S & wave zero point wave function formula from WKB approximation method , we evaluating the leptonic decay widths of heavy quarkonium .
Restricted Least-Square Estimate Iteration Algorithm for Image Reconstruction from Projection
With the criterion of the sum of square of gray level gradient vector module , adjust the psf to restore the images which come from the actual wavefront coding systems .
A definition of clarity based on the sum of square of gray-level gradient vector module is chosen . Through analyzing the model of geometry optical system imaging and the effect of point spread function , a simulated second imaging model of optical system is proposed .
All of them have the characteristics of good unbias ( s ) edness , powerful unimodality and high sensitivity , etc. , and can be applied to evaluation of defocusing and motion blurring . The vector norm sum of gray gradient is the best among them .
Then with the upper-bound theorem and the surface integral an analytical solution of the drawing stress was first obtained .
The ortho-mode transducer adopts the design idea of square waveguide stepped impedance matching and waveguide slot coupling .
The Modulus of Convexity and the Equivalent Conditions of Uniformly Non - square Spaces