
  • 网络analog photogrammetry;analogue photogrammetry;Conventional Photogrammetry
  1. 在过去的一个半世纪里,摄影测量经历了模拟摄影测量和解析摄影测量两个阶段,现在已步入数字摄影测量时代。

    During the past one and half centuries , photogrammetry has experienced two stages of analog photogrammetry and analytical photogrammetry and has stepped into the digital photogrammetry age .

  2. 利用模拟卫星摄影测量数据按EFP法光束法平差与直接前方交会计算高程的精度比较

    Comparision of the Height Accuracy Obtained from EFP Bundle Adjustment and Forward Intersection Using Simulation Space Photogrammetric Data

  3. 相似模拟实验中近景摄影测量的应用

    Application of close-range photogrammetric measurement to simulated test

  4. 该文以小流域模型模拟试验为基础,利用人工模拟降雨、近景摄影测量和GIS技术,对流域模型不同空间部位的侵蚀强度及其随流域所处发育阶段的动态变化进行了研究。

    Based on simulation experiments of small watershed model , using artificial simulation rainfall , high precise photogrammetry and GIS technology , the erosion intensity of different parts of watershed model and dynamic variation of erosion intensity were studied .