
qì shù
  • maple;red maple
槭树[qì shù]
  1. 中国槭树资源与观赏利用

    The resources of maple in China and its ornamental utilization

  2. 上海地区大规格北美槭树品种及其主要病虫害

    Large maple varieties introduced from North America and their main pests in Shanghai

  3. 我们花园里有几棵槭树。

    We have several maples in our garden .

  4. 隶属于槭树科(Aceraceae),是我国特有少种属。

    , an endemic genus to China , belongs to the family Aceraceae .

  5. 采用SephadexA-50,SephadexG-200柱层析的方法,从槭树科槭树属元宝枫(AcertruncatumBunge)的叶片中提取并纯化了叶蛋白酶。

    A protease purified from the fresh leaves of Acer truncatum Bunge by means of Sephadex A-50 , Sephadex G-200 column chromatography .

  6. Formableacrylic联合沟形夹板和雕纹甲治疗内生甲从种皮的雕纹类型看,槭树属的种皮可以概括为四种类型:(1)嵌合型;

    Formable acrylic treatment for ingrowing nail with gutter splint and sculptured nail The testa sculptures of Acer are divided into four types , as follows : ( 1 ) moasaic ;

  7. 槭树科的分子系统学

    Molecular phylogenetic study of Aceraceae based on the combined data sets

  8. 河南省槭树科植物资源及开发利用研究

    Research and exploiture on the Aceraceae resource in Henan Province

  9. 6种槭树属植物种子特性及其发芽试验

    Research on Seed Properties and Germination Test of Six Species of Acer

  10. 翅果形态及其在槭树科分类与演化上的意义

    Samara shape of Aceraceae and it 's implications in systematics and evolution

  11. 槭树种质资源的翅果数量性状研究

    The Research on Samara Characteristics of Maple Germplasm Resources

  12. 江西野生观赏槭树资源

    Resources of Wild Ornamental Acer in Jiangxi Province

  13. 天气在转暖,槭树的树液在上升。

    The weather is warm up and the sap is rising in the maple .

  14. 基于均匀设计法优化三种槭树属植物高效快繁体系

    Uniform Design Methods for High Efficient Micropropagation System Optimization of Three Plants of Acer

  15. 槭属植物属槭树科主产于北半球温带地区。

    Acer plants belong to Aceraceae which mainly produced in temperate zone of north earth .

  16. 天目山槭树植物种质资源与开发价值评价

    The Germplasm Resource of Maple Species and Assessment of Their Exploitations and Utilization in Tianmu Mountain

  17. 你好,粉末经验在表面参议院危害槭树槭树浸泡!

    HELLO , the powder experience harms the maple tree maple tree soaks on the surface senate !

  18. 论述了复叶槭树的生长环境,抚育管理及病虫害防治措施。

    Furthermore , favorable environment for its growth and measures for maturing management and pest control are elaborated .

  19. 他躺在棚屋旁边一株鲜花盛开的槭树下面,只觉得愉快的睡意流遍了脉管。

    He lay beneath an ample-bosomed maple tree near the guest-shack , and joyously felt sleep running through his veins .

  20. 我们仍然要在池塘的静水上和溪流中捞取桦木,槭树、杨、柳等树的种子。

    We still skim the backwaters of ponds and streams for the seed of Betula , Acer Salix and Populus species .

  21. 我国槭树资源丰富,是世界槭树种类最多的国家。

    China is a country rich in Acer plants , and a country with most types of Acer plants in the world .

  22. 其寄主植物涉及7科,即蕨类植物中的里白科、裸子植物中的杉科和松科以及属于被子植物的茶科、冬青科、槭树科和杜鹃科。

    The host species included 7 families , which were Theaceae , Aceraceae , Ericaceae , Aquifoliaceae , Pinaceae , Taxodiaceae , Gleicheniaceae .

  23. 槭树科是北温带分布的科,2属202种。

    The family Aceraceae , with 2 genera and about 202 species , is an important family in temperate forests of North hemisphere .

  24. 天目山槭树共有22种(含种下级单位),占浙江槭树植物总种数的62.9%。

    There are 22 species maple ( including subspecies , varieties ) in Tianmu Mountain , making up 62.9 % of the total species in Zhejiang Province .

  25. 贵州槭树科植物与广西、湖南的关系较其它省区更亲近,它反映了贵州与这些地区在地史时期槭树科植物演化、地理联系的历史渊源。

    That is to say , Cathay is the origin zones of Aceraceae . 2 . Aceraceae in Guizhou has closer relation to Guangxi and Hunan than to other regions ; It reflects the evolution origins of Aceraceae in these regions in geologic times .

  26. 从种皮的雕纹类型看,槭树属的种皮可以概括为四种类型:(1)嵌合型;在此将指纹分为5类:涡型、右旋型,左旋型,弓型,弧型。

    The testa sculptures of Acer are divided into four types , as follows : ( 1 ) moasaic ; In the method , we classify the fingerprints into S kinds : whorl , right loop , left loop , arch and tent arch .

  27. 三峡库区有槭科植物31种、2亚种、12变种,占全国槭树种类的20%,仅次于云南、四川两省。

    There are 31 species , 2 sub species and 12 varieties of maple plants distributed in the Three Gorge Reservoir Areas in China , which accounts for about 20 % of Chinese maple species and varieties , only second in quantity to the provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan .
