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  • mortise;dapt
榫眼 [sǔn yǎn]
  • [mortise] 榫枘相接处为容纳枘而凿出的窟窿,即器物咬合的凹下部分

榫眼[sǔn yǎn]
  1. 插入插座或与榫眼接合水泥榫接合-凿石砌体中

    To fit into a socket or mortise . cement joggle joint

  2. 以数学方法对榫眼形状进行描述

    Description on Mortise Form by Mathematic Method

  3. 这把锁似乎是六榫眼的,夫人。

    This seems to be a six-lever mortise , milady .

  4. 通过连锁的凸榫和榫眼制成的榫点。

    A mortise joint formed by interlocking tenons and mortises .

  5. 通过榫和榫眼而连接在一起。

    Join by a tenon and mortise .

  6. 直榫榫眼形状的数学描述

    Mathematic Description of Straight Mortise Form

  7. 通过把一边的凸榫插入另外一边的榫眼造成的接合。

    A joint made by inserting tenon on one piece into mortise holes in the other .

  8. 每一根木料都挖了榫眼,在顶上劈出了榫头,这时我又借到一些工具。

    Each stick was carefully mortised or tenoned by its stump , for I had borrowed other tools by this time .

  9. 单价包括在结构中钻孔或开榫眼,不管用什么方法(包括金刚石钻孔、磨孔等)。

    UNIT PRICES include for drilling mortices or forming mortices in the structure by whatever means necessary including diamond drilling , abortive holes etc.

  10. 在单项测试中,三种桉树木材的砂光、成型、榫眼加工性能全面超过核桃楸木材;

    The study shows : ( 1 ) During single item test , Planning Shaping and Mortising ability of three Eucalyptus species are better than Juglans cathayensis .