
  • 网络Conceptual Skill
  1. LMX和管理层次的交互作用对技术技能和概念技能有显著影响。

    Besides , the interaction of LMX and management level had a notable effect on the utilization of technical skills and conceptual skills .

  2. 概念技能作为影响企业生命周期长短的一个重要的内在因素,应该受到企业高层管理者的高度重视。

    The concept skills is an important internal factor which influence the enterprise life cycle , and it should be suffered high value by the enterprise managers .

  3. 着重探讨了企业生命周期与管理者概念技能的关系,并提出了提高概念技能的途径。

    The relation between the enterprise life cycle and managers ' concept skills is emphatically discussed , and the ways of promoting the concept skills is put forward .

  4. 教学管理人员不仅必须具备一定的理论和知识水平,更要掌握一定的管理技能,主要包括技术技能、人际技能和概念技能,还应具备处理突发事件的技能。

    They must have not only theory and knowledge , but also administrative technique ability such as skill of technology , of human relations , of concept and of dealing with crisis .

  5. 教师有机组织课程以促进学生对学科领域的课题中心、概念和技能的易于理解。

    Teachers organize curriculum to facilitate students'understanding of the central themes , concepts , and skills in the subject area .

  6. 我并不是说学生不应该学习概念或是技能。

    I 'm not saying that students should not learn concepts or not learn skills . They do .

  7. 提高幼儿的认知能力,尤其是运用语言和概念方面的技能;

    Improve the child 's cognitive ability , especially the skills of using language and concepts ;

  8. 概念是智慧技能的重要组成部分,而定义性概念的教学则是学校教育里非常重要和关键的内容。

    The concepts are important part of intellectual skills , and teaching defined concepts are very important and critical in school education .

  9. 本文介绍了家访技能的概念、运用技能的基本过程、基本要求和要注意的一些问题等,最后给出了技能检测表。

    This paper introduces the concept of the students parents visiting skill , the basic process of the skill application and some points for attention . A check list for the skill is provided .

  10. 课程要素即课程的基本构成,包括概念、原理、技能、方法、价值观等。课程要素也是课程组织的基本线索或脉络。

    Curriculum elements are the basic components of the curriculum , and also the basic organizing stretches or lines of the curriculum . They include concepts , principles , skills , methodology and values .

  11. 是的,做作业是将所学的新概念转化为实用技能的最好方法,但是大部分作业需要很多时间来完成,而考试却永远不会考这些问题。

    Yes , working problems is one of the best ways to turn new concepts into working knowledge , but a large majority of those problems that take you hours and hours to work through , you 'll never see on an exam .

  12. 概念方面的困难包括测序、概括以前获得的信息、分类、原因和影响、抽象的概念、理解和技能开发方面的问题。

    Conceptual difficulties can include problems in sequencing , generalizing previously learned information , categorizing , cause and effect , Abstract concepts , comprehension and skill development .