
zhí wù qún
  • floras;phytocommunity
  1. 通过观察某些现存的动物群和植物群,我们就能更清楚地了解这种困难了

    We shall appreciate this difficulty more clearly , by looking to certain existing faunas and floras .

  2. 喜马拉雅山区与横断山区自然条件对比喜马拉雅山区新生代植物群与聚煤环境

    Cenozoic floras and coal-accumulating environment in Himalayas and Hengduan Mountains Areas

  3. 对于业余博物学者来说,在一片空地上或被炸后的废墟里可能发现种类繁多的植物群和动物群。

    A vacant lot or a bombsite can , to the amateur naturalist , produce an extraordinary variety of flora and fauna

  4. 但近数十年来,寒冷的北极地区的升温速度极快,已跻身于地球各地前列,而这里的植物群也相应地受到了影响。

    But the cold north in recent decades , has seen some of the fastest rates of warming on the planet and the flora2 have reacted accordingly .

  5. 中国的晚石炭世(纳缪尔BC期、维斯发期和斯蒂芬期)和二叠纪植物群为华夏植物群。

    The Late Carboniferous ( Namurian B_C , westphalian , and stephanian ) and Permian floras of China represent the Cathaysia flora .

  6. 选取属级分类单元作为统计变量,Dice系数作为统计公式,对中国早中侏罗世较具代表性的18个植物群进行了相似性的聚类分析。

    We report the study of the similarity of 18 representative floras of the Lower and Middle Jurassic from China by use of clustering analysis .

  7. 这本书被设置在雨林的ObiObiCreek附近,并作为当地植物群和动物区系充分的参考。

    This book is set in the rainforest near Obi Obi Creek and is full of references to native flora and fauna .

  8. 主要优势种的DCA排序图与样方的DCA排序图有很大的相似性,优势种的分布格局在很大程度上决定着植物群丛的分布格局。

    The ordination diagram of the dominant species by DCA was similar to the one of the quadrats by DCA to a large extent and the distribution of the dominant species determined the distribution of the associations in a large measure .

  9. 塔里木板块二叠纪构造演化的古植物群(大植物、孢粉)响应

    The Floral Response to the Permian Tectonic Evolution in Tarim Plate

  10. 晚更新世以来呼伦湖地区孢粉植物群发展与环境变迁

    Vegetational development and environmental changes in Hulun Lake since late Pleistocene

  11. 山西垣曲盆地始新世轮藻植物群

    Eocene CHAROPHYTES from the Yuanqu basin , Shanxi province , China

  12. 中国新近纪孢粉植物群的区域定位与环境响应

    Neogene pollen floras in China with regional orientation and environment response

  13. 欧洲西北部晚石炭世含煤带及其植物群的演替

    Upper Carboniferous coal belt and its floral succession of northwest Europe

  14. 银川盆地中更新世以来的孢粉植物群古气候旋回探讨

    Study on palynoflora and Paleoclimatic cycles since mid-Pleistocene in Yinchuan Basin

  15. 黑龙江依兰始新世植物群的研究

    A study on the Eocene flora in Yilan county , Heilongjiang

  16. 东北南部早石炭世植物群研究

    Studies on the Early Carboniferous flora in the southern Northeast China

  17. 塔里木盆地北部三叠纪孢粉植物群及层序地层的划分

    Triassic palynology and division of sequence stratigraphy from northern Tarim Basin

  18. 1858年发表了著名的《英国植物群手册》。

    His famous Handbook of British Flora was published in 1858 .

  19. 农村拥有丰富的植物群和动物群。

    The countryside is home to plenty of flora and fauna .

  20. 辽西阜新盆地早白垩世含煤地层及植物群

    Coal-bearing strata and early Cretaceous flora in Fuxin Basin Liaoning Province

  21. 根据植物群的进化观点划分中国中生代的陆相建造

    Major divisions of the Chinese Mesozoic from the viewpoint of floral evolution

  22. 四川西部高原上新世植物群

    Plant Conservation of Western Sichuan PLIOCENE FLORAS OF WESTERN SICHUAN

  23. 辽东早石炭世植物群埋藏类型及生存环境

    Burial type and living environment of Early Carboniferous flora form Eastern Liaoning

  24. 保护植物群、动物群及其生境宣言

    Declaration on Conservation of Flora , Fauna and Their Habitats

  25. 此外,安加拉植物群代表了温带气候条件。

    In addition , the Angara flora represents a temperate climatic condition .

  26. 华夏植物群及其与全球同期植物群的比较

    The Cathaysia flora and its comparison with global contemporaneous floras

  27. 华夏植物群的沿革和应用范围

    On the Concept of Cathaysia Flora and Its Applied Limit

  28. 北京地区10000年以来的植物群发展和气候变化

    Vegetational development and climatic changes in the last 10000 years in Beijing

  29. 黔西晚三叠世地层及植物群研究

    A Study of Stratigraphy and Flora of Late Triassic in Western Guizhou

  30. 贺兰山北段石炭纪和二叠纪植物群

    Carboniferous and Permian Flora in the northern part of the Helan Mountains