
zhí bǎo
  • plant protection;crop protection
植保 [zhí bǎo]
  • [plant protection] 植物保护

植保[zhí bǎo]
  1. 基于MaPobjects的植保地理信息系统应用软件的开发

    Development of Based on Map Objects about Plant Protection

  2. 为此,通过简述FLUENT在植保机械方面的应用实例,提出了FLUENT在植保机械方面的发展前景。

    The paper introduces briefly some examples which FLUENT simulated in the plant protection machinery , and propose FLUENT development prospect in the machinery field of plant protection .

  3. 应用microsoftexcel编写植保专业统计程序的探讨

    A professional statistical program of plant protection designed by Microsoft Excel

  4. 出口种植基地植保产品的使用及与GAP标准符合性比较

    The Conformity between the Management Requirements on Registered Export Farms and GAP Standards on the Use of Plant Protection Products

  5. FLUENT软件及其在植保机械方面的应用

    Fluent Software and its Application in the Machinery Field of Plant Protection

  6. 再将每处理组分为接受挑战接种和非挑战接种两部分,之后考查处理组的发病情况,并考查各组的木质素沉积和植保素积累和H2O2含量情况。

    Each treated group was divided into two teams . One was challenging inoculated and another one not . After that , the incidence of disease of each treated group was checked .

  7. microsoftexcel是功能强大的专业电子表格处理软件,利用microsoftexcel自带的VisualBasic编写程序,对植保专业统计年度报表进行计算,可简化操作过程。

    Microsoft Excel is a powerful professional electronic table software . It can simplify working process to calculate the annual professional report forms of plant protection by using Visual Basic program of Microsoft Excel .

  8. 本研究在收集整理了国内外植保专家知识,技术成果,总结害虫控制知识和专家经验,应用软件工程和系统技术,研究开发了基于web的昆虫资源信息管理系统模块应用框架。

    According to analyzing plant protection expert knowledge and technology results , summing-up of pest control knowledge and experience of expert applying software engineering and system technology , the information management system of insect resources based on web has been set up and designed .

  9. 构建自然调控(NPR)体系拓展园林植保发展空间&关于城市园林有害生物治理问题的几点思考

    Constructing Nature Regulation ( NPR ) System , Promoting Garden Plant Protection & Thinking about Urban Garden Harmful Biology Improvement

  10. 吸虫塔(SuctionTrap)是长期监测小型迁飞性昆虫时空动态的大型植保设备,用于迁飞性害虫种群的监控和生态学研究。

    Suction Trap is a large-scale plant protection equipment for a long-term monitoring spatial and temporal dynamics of small migratory insects , it usually be use for monitoring migratory pest population and doing ecological studies .

  11. 植保信息管理系统(PPIMS)采用VISUALBASIC编程设计,实现了植保信息的计算机管理、病虫测报与病虫害区域管理等功能。

    Designed with Visual Basic , Plant protection information management system ( PPIMS ) realizes the functions , such as plant protection information management , forecast and region management of plant pest and desease .

  12. 描述了KD(D&K)的总体流程、动态知识库系统及其特征;并在农业施肥和植保领域的应用过程中得到验证。

    This paper discusses the overall flow , the dynamic knowledge base system of KD ( D K ), and the application of KD ( D K ) to fertilization and plant protection .

  13. 以沈阳农大植保系植物病毒研究室提供的WMV2两株系WMV2(1)和WMV2(2)为试材。

    Two strains of watermelon mosaic virus , WMV - 2 ( 1 ) and WMV-2 ( 2 ), were got from The Lab of Plant Virus Disease , Dept. of Plant Protection , Shenyang Agricultural University .

  14. 采用植保站常用的20W黑光灯诱集害虫,设计装置使害虫落入流动的水中,借此调整害虫的姿态;选择合适的位置,安装彩色摄像头,并设计照明系统,尽可能保证获得的害虫图像清晰;

    We attracted insect pests with common 20W black light which was used by pest control services , adjusting insect pests ' posture by running water , installed color camera at proper position , and designed illuminating system so that we could obtain distinct insect pest image .

  15. 植保网络应用技术初步研究

    Preliminary study on application technique of ASP in Plant Protection Internet

  16. 植保有害生物风险分析研究进展

    Advances in the research on pest risk analysis in plant protection

  17. 植保机械混药器及其农药在线混合性能研究

    Study on Mixers for Plant Protection Machinery and Chemical In-line-mixing Performances

  18. 一种新的水稻植保素的诱导、纯化及特性研究

    A novel phytoalexin from rice : induction , purification and characterization

  19. 低污染植保技术的研究&植株茎部施药技术的综述

    Research on Low-Pollution Plant-Protecting Technique & Survey of Stem-Application-of-Chemical Technique

  20. 从农产品质量安全看植保工作未来的发展

    Future Development of Plant Protection Based on Quality Security of Agricultural Products

  21. 植保机械的新机型、新材料和新工艺

    New Model , Material and Technology in Development of Plant Protection Machinery

  22. 河北省植保信息网络建设研究

    Study on the Construction of Hebei Plant Protection Information Network

  23. 发展绿色植保的障碍因素与应对措施

    Barriers and Counter-measures in Developing " Green Plant Protection "

  24. 开展农业病虫电视预报是做好植保服务工作的有效途径

    Pest forecast by television can improve the services of plant protection effectively

  25. 对江阴市植保机械化的调查和思考

    Investigation and Consideration of Plants Protection Mechanization in Jiangyin City

  26. 中药材生产中的植保问题及对策

    Questions and Countermeasure of Plant Protection in Produce of Chinese Medicinal Materials

  27. 新疆棉花植保数据库的研究与实践

    Research and Practice of the Peculiar Database of Library of Shihezi University

  28. 我国植保机械现状及其发展策略

    The present situation of protection machinery in China and its developing strategy

  29. 我国植保机械的发展与技术开发

    Thi historical progress and technical development of plant protection machinery in China

  30. 植保机械用射流装置的研究

    An approach to the fluidic device for crop protection machinery