- 名stratum spinosum

Results : In the NOM , the Fas expression was stained on the stratum spinosum and the stratum granulosum cells .
Cox-2 was expressed in 36 cases out of 101 cases of OLP , the positive ratio was 35.6 % , which both pathological changes showed Cox-2 over-expressed in the cytoplasm of stratum spinosum cells and stratum granulosum cells , basal cells submitted negative expression .
BP , found in spinous layer cells attached on the blisters or nearby .
TGF β 1 was detected in the granular and spinous layer .
Objective : Pemphigus is an organ-specific autoimmune blistering skin disease , which specific auto-antibodies to keratinocyte desmosome component could be detected in serum .
Basal cell ; Results The observation of bFGF production was appeared in basal and spinous KC and dermal fibroblasts of normal skin .
Conclusion : Survivin expression is observed in psoriasis vulgaris 、 seborrheic keratosis ( acanthotie type 、 hyperkeratotic type and adenoid type )、 solar keratosis and squamous cell carcinoma .
In normal epidermis , only a few basal cells expressed ras gene , however , the ras gene was expressed throughout all layers of epidermis of active psoriatic lesions except horny layer and predominantly in prickle cells .
Furthermore , CTM was also added into the cultured skin organ model of pemphigus in vitro to observing its effect on the inhibition of acantholysis by hydro cortisone ( HC ) .
Report a case of IgA pemphigus whose clinical manifestation is vesicles and pustules ; histologic examination shows intraepidermal neutrophils and acantholytic keratinocytes ; direct immunoelectron microscopy finds IgA deposits within the intercellular spaces .
The expression of HBD-2 peptides were mainly confined to the granular and spinous layers of the gingival epithelium , in which HBD-2 was detected in the cytoplasm .
Result : Positive ratio of HPV-DNA is 94.8 % ( 90 / 95 ) dectected by ISH . positive reaction extends from vacuole nucleus in surface layer of squamous epithelium to that of close basal layer in middle and lower part of stratum spinosum ;
Results The acantholysis was induced when the concentration of IgG subclasses reached to 0.5 mg / mL in pemphigus organ culture system . All four subclasses of IgG were reacted with 100 kD and 15 kD proteins on the surface of keratinocytes .
Positive ratio of HPV-Ag is 63.1 % ( 60 / 95 ) dectected by IHC . positive reaction is mainly in vacuole nucleus in surface layer of squamous epithelium and cuticular layer , a few exist in stratum spinosum .
Histopathology shows acantholysis with lichenoid dermatitis or keratinocyte necrosis .
Conclusion The anti PAb antibodies can reduce or block the acantholysis effectively .
Experimental study on the block of acantholysis by anti pemphigus antibody in vitro
The Role of IL-2 , IFN - γ and IL-10 in Pemphigus Acantholysis
Quantitative alterations of spinous cells from benign and malignant epithelial lesions of human cheek
A case report of acantholytic dyskeratotic epidermal naevus complicated by pigmented hairy epidermal nevus
Basal lamina and spinous in normal cutaneous architecture were stained as weakly positive .
OLP with epithelial dysplasia , the positive spinosum cells increased markedly with slight malignancy .
The basal and spinous layers were moderate stained in the adjacent skin around perforation ;
It is characterized by intra-epidermal acantholysis .
It was tumefaction of skin and cells of the stratum spinosum of skin mucosa of pigs inoculated .
It indicated that cell apoptosis had began in the spinous cell layer in the cholesteatoma tissue samples .
It is observed that the tens of the dentogingival fibers extend widely to the epithelial cell of the stratum spinosum .
Objective To study the blocking effect of anti pemphigus antibodies on acantholysis for finding a new way to treat pemphigus .
Epidermis is an important part of skin , composed of basal lamina , stratum spinosum , granular layer , stratum lucidum , horny layer .
A weak stain was only seen in 4 non-sun exposed specimens and was located in few prick cells on the top layer of prick cells .