• chess or any board game
  • 文娱项目的一类,亦特指“棋子”:象~。围~。~盘。~道。星罗~布。举~不定(喻拿不定主意)。


(文娱项目的一类) chess or any board game:

  • 国际象棋

    (international) chess;

  • 下一盘棋

    play a game of chess;

  • 象棋

    Chinese chess;

  • 跳棋

    Chinese checkers; Chinese draughts

  1. 迈克硬逼着要和我下一盘棋。

    Mike challenged me to a game of chess .

  2. 这盘棋只走了六步就结束了。

    The game was over in only six moves .

  3. 那是个人事业发展上的一着妙棋。

    That was a smart career move .

  4. 该你走棋了。

    It 's your turn to move .

  5. 他的王棋已被将死。

    His king had been checkmated .

  6. 她走一步王后棋。

    She moved her queen .

  7. 竞选策划人士认为该计划是一着巧妙的政治棋。

    Campaign strategists are calling the plan a clever political gambit .

  8. 在他看来,与其说这是一项精心筹划的国防动议,倒不如说是外交上的一着妙棋。

    He sees the proposal as more of a diplomatic gambit than a serious defense proposal

  9. 她最近玩消失也许只是一个噱头,或是其职业生涯上的一着妙棋。

    Her latest disappearing act may be no more than a stunt , or a smart career move .

  10. 王被将死,棋手输了这盘棋。

    The king was checkmated and so the player lost the game .

  11. 那盘棋和了。

    That game of chess ended in a draw .

  12. 来一盘棋。

    Let 's have a game of chess .

  13. 这一对孪生姐妹刚下了一盘棋。

    The twin sisters played a game of chess just now .

  14. 三盘棋有两盘是和局。

    Two of the three chess games ended in draws .

  15. 他捡了个漏儿,赢了这盘棋。

    He seized on a weak point and won the chess game .

  16. 他走了一步臭棋,结果输了。

    He made a lousy move and lost the game .

  17. 我想下一盘棋。

    I am disposed for a game of chess .

  18. 他的棋下得忒恶心。

    He is a lousy chess-player .

  19. 那个棋手在下到一半时走了几步不合常规的棋,弄得与他对弈的计算机无法应付。

    The chess player confused the computer by making some irrational moves halfway through the game .

  20. 我教你两着儿棋,准能赢他。

    I 'll show you a couple of moves and you 're sure to beat him .

  21. 人生就像一盘棋。

    Life is like a chess game .

  22. 弈秋是国中最出色的围棋高手。如果让他同时教两个人下棋,其中一个人专心致志,凝神静听弈讲解棋道,而另一个人虽然貌似在听讲,心里却想着要是有只天鹅飞来,怎样才能张弓搭箭把它射下来。

    If let him teaches two students , and one listens carefully and is absorbed in ti while the other one seemingly is also listening , but in his mind , he is thinking about if a swan passes here , how to shoot it down with a bow and arrow .

  23. 英国财政部(Treasury)在下一盘精明的棋,暗示它将修订计划,而改变却甚少。

    The Treasury is playing a shrewd game , hinting it is going to revise its plans , but changing little .

  24. 在1996年,IBM的“深蓝”计算机成为有史以来成为赢过卫冕世界冠军卡斯帕罗夫一盘棋的首部计算机。

    In1996 , IBM 's Deep Blue became the first machine ever to win even a single game against the reigning world champion , Garry Kasparov .

  25. 在研究弱的CT络合物中给体与受体的相对取向时,认为应更多地考虑分子间的静电作用,并根据晶体结构分析结果,提出头并头的几何匹配棋型。

    During the investigation of the relative orientation between donor and acceptor in weak CT-complexes , it has been noticed that the electrostatic action between molecules should be considered much more .

  26. Lightman想让Jenkins先走棋,他办得到。

    Foster : Lightman wants Jenkins to make thefirst move , and he will .

  27. 此外还统一处理了Ferrers棋阵的rook多项式以及hit多项式的实零点性。

    We also give a unified approach to the fact that rook polynomials and hit polynomials of any Ferrers boards are real-rooted .

  28. 只不过它也是专门针对微胖界的大码产品。广告公司YARD的联合创始人露丝o伯恩斯坦认为,抓住“身材正能量”运动的机会进行宣传,是LaneBryant公司走出的一步好棋。

    Capitalizing on the the " body-positive " movement is a good move for Lane Bryant , contends Ruth Bernstein , co-founder of YARD advertising agency , whose clients include Henri Bendel and Banana Republic .

  29. IBM的一位高管在最近的一次会议上表示,1997年超级计算机“深蓝”(DeepBlue)与加里•卡斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov)进行国际象棋比赛,在对弈到一半时,“深蓝”由于软件故障走了一步闲棋。

    An IBM executive told a recent conference that when supercomputer Deep Blue was halfway through its 1997 chess match with Garry Kasparov , it made a random move , due to a software bug .

  30. 不过,在这整局棋中有个关键的角色表现得不尽如人意,那就是美国。2015年,美国在非营利组织税收正义网(TaxJusticeNetwork)公布的金融保密指数中排名第三,仅次于瑞士和香港。

    But there is one major player that is coming up short , and that is the United States , which in 2015 ranked third , behind Switzerland and Hong Kong , in a financial secrecy index published by the Tax Justice Network , a nonprofit organization based in Washington .