
jiǎn piào kǒu
  • ticket entrance;ticket checkpoint
  1. 我来到检票口时,北京来的火车正在徐徐进站。

    As I reached the ticket barrier , the Beijing train was just drawing in .

  2. 旅客需要在检票口出示车票。

    Passengers are requested to show their tickets at the barrier .

  3. 他急忙通过检票口,找到车站餐厅。

    He went through the ticket barrier and found the station buffet .

  4. 通过检票口;检票员在那里检你的票。

    Go through that wicket ; the clerk there will punch your ticket .

  5. 从那边检票口往前走。

    Just go through the ticket checker over there .

  6. 这里是检票口。我们去检票吧。

    Here 's the ticket | counter . let 's get the tickets punched .

  7. 他在检票口遇到麻烦。

    The trouble started at the ticket barrier .

  8. 走到那里过6号检票口,火车马上就要来了。

    Just go through the No. 6 ticket-barrier over there . A train will be in directly .

  9. 布洛格斯,你等在克鲁站检票口,以防费伯从那里溜掉。

    Bloggs , you 'll be waiting at the ticket barrier at crewe , just in case Faber decides to hop off there .

  10. 白某的假门票能安全通过检票口,所以很多人都以为他们买到了真的、折扣高的票。

    Bai 's counterfeit tickets could pass for real during ticket checks , so many people believed that they had bought genuine , heavily discounted tickets .

  11. 抵达入口大门时,一位身着中世纪裙子、正在大煲电话的乡下姑娘向我挥手示意,径直让我通过了检票口。

    Arriving at the entrance gate , I am waved through the ticket barrier by a wench in medieval dress who is chatting on the phone .

  12. 通过这一计划的推动,对工业电脑的需求大部分是潜在的铁路检票口、终端显示器、通讯系统等等。

    Driven by this plan , demand for industrial PCs is potentially large in the applications of railway ticket gates , terminal displays , telecommunications systems , etc.

  13. 他的速度达到了每小时11英里(约17.7千米),这期间他还得穿过两个检票口、上下75个台阶。

    He clocked up an average speed approaching 11mph , on a route that included having to negotiate two ticket barriers and scale or descend 75 steps .

  14. 这种技术还没有进行商用开发,但是以后用于诸如人们只需接触就可以通过铁路检票口等用途。

    The technology has not yet been exploited commercially but it would , for example , enable someone to pass through a railway ticket gate just by touching it .

  15. 一位维京人与另一萨克逊人(很明显就是艾玛与马克)下班后,也一起漫步通过了检票口,必须指出的是:这么做与历史事实有些出入。

    A Viking and a Saxon ( Emma and Mark , apparently ) wander past together as they go off-shift and , it must be said , somewhat historically off-track .

  16. 该局发言人同时称,他们已经反复查看过了男孩通过验票口时候的机场录像,并且该局正在研究是否应该应该重新设置检票口的隔栏,以防止出现类似事故。

    They added that video of the boy at the checkpoint has been reviewed , and they are investigating whether we should reconfigure barriers to prevent another incident like this one .

  17. 该局发言人同时称,他们已经反复查看过了男孩通过验票口时候的机场录像,并且该局“正在研究是否应该应该重新设置检票口的隔栏,以防止出现类似事故。”

    They added that video of the boy at the checkpoint has been reviewed , and they are " investigating whether we should reconfigure barriers to prevent another incident like this one . "

  18. 事情是这样的:我走出检票口,突然我意识到我犯了个愚蠢的错误。那天是礼拜天,枉费我白忙了一场。

    It was this : I exit through the ticket wicket and I suddenly realize I 've made a silly mistake . it 's sunday . I 've come all this way for nothing !

  19. 这个世界正变得比以前更拥挤,检票口排的队更长,飞机更大,游客更多,但如果你真想找一个没有人的地方,你还是找得到的。

    The world is a more crowded place , the check-in lines are longer , the planes are bigger , the tourist numbers larger , but if you want a lonely place you can still find it .

  20. 只有当银行卡、口令牌或应用程序足够普及,同时还有足够的收银台、检票口或者网站愿意接受它们,新的支付系统才值得投资。

    New payment systems need to reach a point where there are enough cards , tokens or apps in circulation , and enough tills , ticket barriers , or websites willing to accept them , to justify any investment .

  21. 爆炸发生于机场二号候机楼检票口处,大约凌晨2点20分,受伤人员已被带去治疗,上海市政府在官方微博中说到。

    The explosion occurred near the airport 's Terminal Two ticketing area at about 2:20 p.m. and the people who were injured were taken away for medical treatment , the Shanghai government said in a short statement on its official microblog 。

  22. 霍根称,机场摄像头还拍摄到了男孩于周四现身机场的录像,当时他从行李旋转带上取走了一个拎包,还在检票口外面的餐厅里点了一份午餐。

    Video also shows the boy at the airport Wednesday , Hogan said . He grabbed a bag from the carousel and ordered lunch at a restaurant outside of the security checkpoints , Hogan said . He ate and then told the server he had to use the bathroom , left the bag and never returned to pay .