
jiǎn chá zhàn
  • checkpoint;inspection station;check point;post of verification
  1. 自杀式袭击者独自走向巴基斯坦国家航空公司(PakistanInternationalAirlines)办公室附近的一个安全检查站,然后自爆身亡。

    The lone suicide bomber walked up to a security check point near the offices of the state-owned Pakistan International Airlines and blew himself up .

  2. 缅甸政府还要求设立新孟邦党一检查站,控制了附近Halockinee泰缅边境的难民营地区。

    Burmese regime also asks to set up a check point in the NMSP-controlled area near Halockinee refugee camp on the Thai-Burma border .

  3. 我们通过护照检查站进入了候机大厅。

    We went through passport control and into the departure lounge .

  4. 他畅行无阻地通过了好几处军事检查站。

    He was able to pass unhindered through several military checkpoints .

  5. 在一个公路检查站法国士兵摆开架势,准备迎战一名持枪者。

    French soldiers squared off with a gunman at a road checkpoint

  6. 29年来,查理检查站一直是冷战的象征。

    For twenty-nine years , Checkpoint Charlie embodied the Cold War

  7. 那辆车没有在军方检查站停车。

    The car failed to stop at an army checkpoint

  8. 士兵向那辆拒绝在军事检查站停车检查的汽车开了火。

    Soldiers opened fire on a car which failed to stop at an army checkpoint

  9. 检查站因为军事上无法防御而被舍弃。

    The checkpoint was abandoned as militarily indefensible .

  10. 一名司机在一个警方检查站被拦截后,把自己连人带车炸上了天。

    A driver blew up his car and himself after being stopped at a police checkpoint

  11. 他下令取消公路上的警方检查站,因为警察们在这些地方向司机强行索要贿赂。

    He ordered the dismantling of police checkpoints on highways , which were being used to shake down motorists for bribes

  12. 衣着杂乱的武装人员控制了数十个街角的检查站,他们身披子弹带,挥舞着RPG火箭筒。

    Rag-tag gunmen manned checkpoints on dozens of street corners , covered in bullet-belts and brandishing RPG launchers .

  13. CCTV操作员能侦测到突发事件,例如:交通堵塞,偷窃,废弃车和通过检查站时的错误行驶方向。

    CCTV operators can detect events as they happen in cases such as congestion , pilfering , abandoned cars , and wrong-direction movement through checkpoints .

  14. 参与撤离行动的人员告诉BBC,在塔利班宣布这一消息后,一些获准离开的阿富汗公民被拦在检查站。

    People involved with the evacuation have told the BBC that some Afghan nationals with permits to leave have been stopped at checkpoints following the announcement by the Taliban .

  15. 上周六受到长时间的等待出租车,司机必须证明其在前线圣W。警察检查站身份证照片,去皇家约克酒店,多伦多电视塔和地铁会展中心。

    O.on Saturday were subject to lengthy waits for taxis , whose drivers had to show photo ID at police checkpoints on Front St.W. , to get to the Royal York Hotel , CN Tower and Metro Convention Centre .

  16. TC-SCAN滚装船货运安全检查站车辆检测信息系统的设计

    The design of vehicle information system in TC-SCAN ferried cargo safety inspection system

  17. 在三十公里之外,俄罗斯军人依然控制著阿哈尔戈里检查站。

    Thirty kilometers away-the Russians are still manning the Akhalgori checkpoint .

  18. 在海关检查站,我们得出示我们的护照。

    We had to show our passport at the custom post .

  19. 福建省林业检查站现状与改进对策

    Status and Improvement Countermeasures of Forestry Inspection Stations in Fujian Province

  20. 我是运动会兴奋剂检查站工作人员。

    I am the Doping Control Station officer of the Games .

  21. 塔利波夫从远处向检查站走过来。

    Ildizar Talibov slowly walks up the road toward the checkpoint .

  22. 但她还是需要经过边防检查站

    But she still needs to go through the border checkpoint ,

  23. 伙计,这些边境检查站总是让我发狂。

    These border checkpoints , man , they always freak me out .

  24. 李先生和杨先生来到移民检查站。

    Mr Li and Mr Yang come to the immigration .

  25. 这个地区有太多军事检查站了。

    There 's too many military checkpoints in the area .

  26. 十五分钟和十五个检查站后,我们进入了我们的目的地。

    Fifteen minutes and fifteen checkpoints later , we entered our destination .

  27. 安全检查站林立,每辆途经车辆都要受到检查。

    Security checkpoints are everywhere and every vehicle is subject to inspection .

  28. 携带文物的出境旅客必须通过那个检查站。

    The outbound tourists carrying cultural relics must pass through that checkpoint .

  29. 木材检查站发放木材运输证在森林资源管理中的作用

    Function of Timber Transport Certificate in Forest Resource Management

  30. 通过障碍、哨卡、检查站等

    Pass a barrier , sentry , checkpoint , etc