- 网络pyriform lobe;piriform lobe;lobus piriformis

Localization of Long form Leptin Receptor mRNA in the Cerebral Cortex , Hippocampal Formation , Piriform Lobe and Amygdala in the Pig Studied by in Situ Hybridization
The results are as follows : ( 1 ) Neurons containing SS mRNA were found in the caudate nucleus , nucleus accumbens , putamen , claustrum , septal nucleus , amygdaloid nucleus , olfactory tuberculum and piriform lobe . They were oval or fusiform in shape .
The central segment of DM received afferent projections from the dorsal agranular insular cortex and the prepiriform cortex , also related with the function of the limbic system .
They also evaluated whether the functional connectivity of the piriform and insular cortex differed between patients and controls ;
When the controls perceived odors , the bilateral amygdala , piriform , and anterior insular and cingulate cortices were activated .
The pyriform lobe cortex pyramidal cells develop very early too and it appears in the inner side , the granular cells begin to develop from the eighteenth week .