
  • 网络The Interpretation of Dream;Dream
  1. 事实上,弗洛伊德是在《梦的解析》中,首次描述了凝缩这个过程,并使用这个词来解释许多梦都有具有的压缩特性。

    In fact , it was in The Interpretation of Dreams that Freud first described the process of condensation and used it to explain the compressed quality that many dreams possess .

  2. 你想知道你的梦的解析吗?

    Do you want an interpretation of your dreams ?

  3. 梦的解析者今天仍然这么说。

    And dream interpreters still say the same today .

  4. 方法运用逻辑分析法对弗洛伊德梦的解析理论部分进行评论。

    Methods Reinterpretation of Freud s theory of dream interpretation with logical analysis .

  5. 所以,你的课题是在梦的解析。

    So your focus is on Dream Interpretation .

  6. 你可能研究起形而上学,并查询手相,字迹分析,以及梦的解析。

    You may explore metaphysical pursuits and check out palmistry , handwriting analysis , and dream interpretation .

  7. 她很兴奋地打开,看到的却是一本书,书名是《梦的解析》。

    Excitedly , she opened it , only to find a book entitled " The Meaning of Dreams " .

  8. 也许吧,但你已经把搜索范围缩小到关于“梦的解析”的文章,所以应该不会那么糟糕。

    Maybe , but you already narrow your search down to articles on Dream Interpretation , so it shouldnt be too bad .

  9. 弗洛伊德式的对梦的解析现在看起来有些狭隘和唯物主义,太过强调梦是反映欲望满足的概念等等。

    A literally Freudian interpretation of a dream seems to be too narrow and , sometimes , materialistic , too linked to the conception of the dream as an hallucinatory satisfaction of pleasure and so on .

  10. 梦的解析的第一步不是把梦当作一整个故事来看待,而是一部分一部分的加以分析。

    The first step in the application of this procedure teaches us that one cannot make the dream as a whole the object of one 's attention , but only the individual components of its content .