
méi shù
  • Plum tree;prune tree
梅树[méi shù]
  1. v.嫁接桃树可以被嫁接到梅树上。

    graft Peach trees can be grafted on plum trees .

  2. 不是梅树,是他们在修枝剪叶(Prune:梅子/修剪)。

    It 's not a prune tree . They pruned the tree .

  3. 艾玛胡是伦敦公园街上希尔顿酒店的SpatoYou护肤中心主管,他说:夜莺是吃着梅树上的毛毛虫长大的。

    Emma Hu , director of the Spa to You centre at the Hilton Hotel on London 's Park Lane , said : ' The nightingales were fed on caterpillars that eat from plum trees .

  4. 本文通过对8个澳大利亚TEM标准锆石和近百枚云南梅树村剖面前寒武系&寒武系界线M5层斑脱岩火山成因锆石进行了不同入射方位的激光拉曼光谱分析和对比研究。

    This paper studies the laser Raman spectrum of zircons at different scatter angles , including 8 standard TEM zircons in Australia and about 100 volcanic zircons from the M5 bentonites of Precambrian & Cambrian boundary at the Meishucun section in Yunnan , China .

  5. 早寒武世最早期梅树村期处于寒武纪大爆发序幕阶段。

    The Meishucun stage is the prelude of the Cambrian Explosion .

  6. 赤霉素处理对梅树开花和座果的影响

    Effects of GA 3 Treatment on Blooming and Fruiting of Japanese Apricot

  7. 那是长在断崖边的梅树,树上结满了梅子。

    That is a Japanese apricot , which has full of plums .

  8. 陕西宁强梅树村阶瓶状微化石的发现及其意义

    Discovery of Meishucunian vase-shaped microfossils in ningqiang , Shaanxi and its significances

  9. 云南省晋宁梅树村地区下寒武统发现颗石藻化石

    The discovery of Lower Cambrian series COCCOLITHS in Yunnan Province of China

  10. 他两周前借它来修剪梅树。

    He borrowed it a fortnight ago to lop his plum tree .

  11. 云南晋宁梅树村剖面研究新进展

    New advances in the study of Meishucun section of Jinning , Yunnan

  12. 我们去苗圃买了一株梅树。

    We bought an ume tree from the nursery .

  13. 桃树可以被嫁接到梅树上。

    Peach trees can be grafted on plum trees .

  14. 梅树越长越茂盛,花朵越开越娇媚。

    The longer the lush plum flowers , the more open the more flirtatious .

  15. 云南晋宁梅树村界线层型剖面

    Yunnan Jinning Meishucun Boundary Stratotype Section

  16. 在荒郊野外的断桥边,生长着一株梅树。

    In the wilderness of the bridge , while , the growth with a plum trees .

  17. 云南梅树村前寒武系&寒武系界线层型候选剖面的古地磁研究

    Further study on palaeomagnetism of the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary candidate stratotype section at meishucun , yunnan , China

  18. 你对自己的承诺通常像日本梅树一样&它们不结果。

    Promises that you make to yourself are often like the Japanese plum tree-they bear no fruit .

  19. 在这两期磷矿中分别发育有瓮安生物群和小壳动物梅树村生物群,这两个生物群代表了生命早期演化过程中的两次爆发事件。

    The two biotas are representative of two biology explosion events during the early evolvement of life .

  20. 然后他从茂盛的梅树上把梅芽取下,嫁接到那些杏树苗上。

    Then he took prune buds from healthy prune trees and grafted them onto the young almond trees .

  21. 陕南大巴山西段梅树村阶小壳化石组合特征

    The assemblage feature of the small-shelled fossils in MEISHUCUN stage , west segment of the Daba mountains , south Shaanxi

  22. 盖茨比指出一位如花似玉的美人,端庄地坐在一棵白梅树下。

    Gatsby indicated a gorgeous , scarcely human orchid of a woman who sat in state under a white plum tree .

  23. 云南梅树村震旦系&寒武系边界层水平状遗迹化石形态功能分析和环境意义

    Behaviour patter analysis and environmental significance of the horizontal trace fossils from the Sinian-Cambrian boundary beds at meishucun , yunnan , china

  24. 梅树村剖面,已被推荐为国际前寒武系&寒武系界线层型候选剖面。

    The Meishucun section near Kunming , southwestern China , has been recommended as a stratotype section of the Precambrian & Cambrian Boundary .

  25. 遗迹化石与梅树村剖面震旦系&寒武系界线及其与小壳化石的关系

    Trace fossils and the Sinian-Cambrian boundary in the MEISHUCUN section , Eastern yunnan , china , and their relations to Small Shelly Fossils

  26. 他们仍然在那棵白梅树下,他们的脸快要贴到一起了,中间只隔着一线淡淡的月光。

    They were still under the white plum tree and their faces were touching except for a pale , thin ray of moonlight between .

  27. 室外的小梅树欢畅地沐浴在阳光下,泛起的淡红色的雪花镶嵌着它的树枝并巧妙地装点着树干。

    The little plane-tree outside , with the faintly flushed snow lining its boughs and artfully disposed along its trunk , stood in full sunlight .

  28. 所以,梅树特别象征着清洁的性格,那种清爽的、寒冷的冬天空气所具有的清洁。

    The plum tree , therefore , in particular , symbolizes purity of character , the purity that we find in the crisp , cold winter air .

  29. 梅树默默的忍受着松树对她的鄙视的目光,忍受着孩子们对他的摧残,忍受着人们对她的无视。

    Plum trees suffer silently pines for her contempt of the eyes , suffering from the devastation of his children live with her disregard for the people .

  30. 紧邻城堡的兼六园是日本三大名园之首,里面种有梅树、樱树和日本枫树。

    Adjoining the castle , the Kenroku-en garden is home to plum , cherry , and Japanese maple trees and is considered one of Japan 's finestgardens .