
  • 网络Leung Chun-ying;Leung Chung-Ying
  1. 在两名人气最高的候选人中,梁振英(LeungChun-ying)目前在民调中领先,因为与丑闻缠身的竞选对手唐英年(HenryTang)相比,梁振英被认为与香港商界保持着较大的距离。

    Of the two most favoured candidates , Leung Chun-ying is leading the opinion polls because he is seen to be more detached from local conglomerates than his scandal-hit rival Henry Tang .

  2. 保普选、反占中大联盟得到了香港特首梁振英(LeungChun-ying)的支持,并在香港各个地区设立了签名站,签名活动计划到8月中旬结束。

    The alliance has been endorsed by Leung Chun-ying , chief executive , and has set up signing stations across the city that it plans to run until mid-August .

  3. 梁振英签署的合同显示,他同意时常(fromtimetotime)担任UGL的顾问。

    The contract signed by Mr Leung shows that he agreed to act as an adviser from time to time for UGL .

  4. 在梁振英同意对话后,香港专上学生联会(HongKongFederationofStudents,简称学联)准备与香港政府展开对话,周女士称其为部分的成功。

    With the Hong Kong Federation of Students preparing to talk to the government after Mr Leung agreed to dialogue , Ms Chow claimed a partial success .

  5. 现任行政长官梁振英(CYLeung)领导的香港政府表示,这一改革将会给香港市民真正的选择。

    The government , led by chief executive CY Leung , says this reform will give Hong Kong citizens real choice .

  6. 他说:我们必须关注社会影响和社会成本,而不仅仅是私人利益和私人成本。经过与唐英年(HenryTang)的激烈角逐,梁振英上月被1200名委员组成的选举委员会选为新任特首。

    We will have to look at social implications and social costs and not just private benefits and private costs , said Mr Leung , who was chosen last month by a 1,200-member election committee in a hard-fought contest with Henry Tang .

  7. 对于梁振英是否妥善处理了抗议的问题,他自2012年以来最大的支持者之一、地产大亨陈启宗(RonnieChan)表示无可奉告。

    One of his biggest backers from 2012 , the property tycoon Ronnie Chan , said that he had no opinion on whether Mr Leung was handling the protest situation well .

  8. 但该发言人表示,梁振英在签署合同后从未向UGL提供任何服务。

    But the spokesman said Mr Leung has not provided any service to UGL after signing the agreement .

  9. 民调显示唐英年的公众支持率只有20%,而他的主要对手,白手起家、拥有强大社会基础的梁振英(c.y.leung)则获得了近50%的公众支持。

    Opinion polls show Mr Tang with only 20 per cent of popular support against nearly 50 per cent for his main rival , C.Y. Leung , a self-made man with a strong social platform .

  10. 在深圳经济特区的开发初期,为了制定其首个城市规划,曾向梁振英(LeungChun-ying)等香港专业服务领域的从业者征求建议。

    Early in its development , the Shenzhen special economic zone sought the advice of Leung Chun-ying and other Hong Kong professional service practitioners as it developed its first town plan .

  11. 57岁的梁振英(LeungChun-ying)周日在选举委员会委员投下的1132张选票中赢得61%的票数,该委员会主要由亲北京的政治阵营以及香港商界的高层人士组成。

    Leung Chun-ying , 57 , on Sunday clinched 61 per cent of the 1,132 votes cast by members of the election committee comprising mostly senior members of the pro-Beijing political camp and Hong Kong business community .

  12. UGL表示,这项协议没有提到梁振英成为行政长官会发生什么,是因为当时预计他不会当选。

    UGL said the deal made no mention of what would happen if Mr Leung became chief executive because he was not expected to win the post .

  13. 这些新措施是香港行政长官梁振英(LeungChun-ying)在其自去年7月接掌这个700万人口城市以来的首份施政报告中宣布的,意在增强公众对其困境中的任期的支持。

    The new measures , announced by Hong Kong chief executive Leung Chun-ying in his first policy address since becoming leader of the city of 7m in July , are designed to bolster public support for his embattled tenure .

  14. 香港特首梁振英(LeungChun-ying)称此次事故为孤立事件,并向记者保证香港仍然是一个强大的海上枢纽。梁振英说,从周四开始,香港将进行为期三天的哀悼。

    Hong Kong leader Leung Chun-ying , who called the accident an ' isolated incident ' and assured reporters that Hong Kong remained a strong maritime hub , said the city would mark a three-day period of mourning starting Thursday .

  15. 梁振英最初被认为不太可能成为行政长官。

    Mr Leung was originally considered a long shot to become chief executive .

  16. 另外一个,梁振英,他是房地产领域的重量级人物。

    Another , Leung Chun-ying , is a force in the property world .

  17. 举例来说,梁振英曾承诺要建造更多公屋。

    Mr Leung has , for example , promised to build more public housing .

  18. 建筑师在中国基本上只能出售他们的设计,梁振英指出。

    Architects basically can only sell their designs in China , Mr Leung notes .

  19. 梁振英与中国内地有紧密的联系。

    Mr Leung has close ties to China .

  20. 梁振英坚持认为:我们一直说,香港是全球主要的航运中心之一。

    We keep saying we 're one of the world 's major shipping centres .

  21. 相信梁振英和北京方面都不会冒这样的风险。

    The betting must be that neither Mr Leung nor Beijing would risk that .

  22. 梁振英断然否定了此类说法。

    Mr Leung has flatly denied such suggestions .

  23. 梁振英应当证明他们错了。

    Mr Leung should prove them wrong .

  24. 梁振英和他的香港同事几乎不敢相信自己的耳朵。

    The reaction of Mr Leung and his Hong Kong compatriots was one of disbelief .

  25. 但陆恭蕙又表示,梁振英和唐英年两人都与北京关系密切。

    But Ms Loh said both Mr Leung and Mr Tang are close to Beijing .

  26. 梁振英也说,他将开放土地供应,这样做可能会打压房价。

    Mr. Leung also says he will open up land supply , potentially pushing down prices .

  27. 梁振英拒绝了要求他辞职的呼吁,他被广泛认为是亲北京的。

    Mr Leung , who is widely considered to be pro-Beijing , rejected calls for his resignation .

  28. 梁振英的看法是正确的:目前香港过于照顾大企业的利益。

    Mr Leung is right that Hong Kong leans too heavily towards the interests of big business .

  29. 目前的计划是以2012年选出梁振英的1200人选举委员会为模板。

    The plan would use the 1,200-member election committee that chose Mr Leung in 2012 as a template .

  30. 批评者则指责梁振英破坏这一模式。

    Critics of Mr Leung , who is seen as being pro-Beijing , accuse him of undermining that model .