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  • Juniper;a word used in a person's name
  • 常绿乔木,木材桃红色,有香气,可作建筑材料。亦称“刺柏”。

  • 古代棺材盖上的装饰。

  • 〔秦~〕人名,中国南宋奸臣。

  • (檜)


(用于人名) a word used in a person's name:

  • 秦桧

    Qin Hui

  1. 本研究利用BEM-Ⅰ系统自动测控塑料大棚内光照强度、温度和CO2浓度,以探求塑料大棚内栽培桧柏实生苗的最佳生态条件。

    This paper studied optimum ecological factors in culturing Sabina chinensis seedlings in plastic greenhouse by monitoring light intensity , temperature and CO2 concentration .

  2. 用高效液相色谱(HPLC)分别测定不同季节古侧柏和古桧柏树叶片槲皮苷的含量,根据测得数据分析古柏树叶片槲皮苷含量的季节变化与树木生长势强弱的关系。

    The quercitrin content in leaves of the old Platycladus orientalis and the old Sabina chinensis were analyzed by HPLC in different seasons . The interrelationship of the of the growing momentum and the quercitrin content exchanges of the old Cypress leaves was studied on the basis of the data .

  3. 适合做铅笔原料的桧属植物。

    Any of several junipers with wood suitable for making pencils .

  4. 关于秦桧归宋的讨论

    A Discussion on Qin Hui 's Return to the Song Dynasty

  5. 经分析北美樱桃核桧生长规律吻合于指数增长方程。

    The growing regularity of Juniperus monosperma was identical with index increment equation .

  6. 北美樱桃核桧引种驯化生长规律及扦插繁殖技术研究

    Studies on growing regularity of domestication and breeding techniques of cuttings of Juniperus monosperma

  7. 柏木属植物和桧属植物以及雪松。

    Cypresses and junipers and many cedars .

  8. 山上松桧丛生,丁香溢彩,亭台楼阁依山而建,雕栋画廊绿树掩映。

    Hui-song in the mountains to crop up over lilac color , pavilions hillside , carved-dong Gallery shade trees .

  9. 岳飞被尊为伟大的民族英雄,秦桧被视为卖国贼。

    Yue Fei became revered as a great national hero , and Ch'in Kuei came to be viewed as a traitor .

  10. 共鉴定出38个成分,其主要成分是1,8-桉叶脑、桧烯、α-松油醇和几种倍半萜烃等。

    38 components were identified by GC and GC-MS. The main components are 1,8 - cineole , sabinene , and α - terpineol etc.

  11. 试材包括美桧、侧柏、铁杉、花旗松、美洲白橡(栎木)、枫木及越南桧木等七种使用量日增之进口材。

    The wood species included yellow cedar , red cedar , western hemlock , douglas fir , white oak , maple and Fokien cypress .

  12. 人们不敢公开问责最高责任人高宗,就拿秦桧开刀,说小秦是坏人。

    People dared not responsible for the highest public accountability Emperor , Qin Hui Take an operation that is a bad guy small Qin .

  13. 第二天,全湖水变黑发臭,又浮出了秦桧跪像。

    But the next day , the water in the lake had turned black and smelly all over and Qin Hui 's figure resurfaced .

  14. 和女真的作战可能的成功却威胁了宋高宗以及他的丞相秦桧的权力。

    The possible defeat of the Jurchens however threatened the power of the new emperor of the Southern Song , Gaozong and his premier Qin Hui .

  15. 在政敌激烈的角逐过程中,秦桧系势力胜出,结果确立了绍兴十二年的体制。

    Intense competition in the process of political opponents , the Qin Hui won the Department of forces , resulting in the establishment of the system in Shaoxing years .

  16. 进入海拔3000米以上的地区,则会发现到处是耐寒的树木唐桧、冷杉等。

    Further up into the region of more than 3000 metres above sea level there are found only such cold-resistant varieties as Chinese juniper ( tang'gui ) and fir .

  17. 直接影响该油商品价值的化学成分4-萜品醇含量约为17%,桧樟脑含量约为2.4%。

    The contents of the 4-01-terpined an jumper camphor directly affecting the commercial value of the oil was determined to be about 17 % and 2 . 4 , respectively .

  18. 综述了植物甾醇、紫杉醇、桦木酸、桧木醇等几种与医药保健品有关的林产化学品的研究开发现状。

    This paper reviewed the study situation of several forest chemical products associated with medical and health ( products ,) such as sterols , paclitaxel , betulinic acid and hinokitol .

  19. 人们怀念岳飞,痛恨秦桧一伙,铸了这四个铁像,让他们永远跪在岳飞面前。

    As people cherished the memories of Yue Fei and hated Qin Hui and his followers , they had these four cast in iron , to kneel forever before Yue Fei .

  20. 所鉴定出组分多数为单萜及倍半萜类化合物,在荆条叶、枝中含量最高的均为β-丁香烯、其次为香桧烯、1,8-桉叶素、对-聚伞花烃等。

    Both the leaf and the stem aroma were composed mainly of monoterpene and sesquiterpene constituents , with β - caryophyllene the most major , followed by sabinene , 1,8-cineole , p-cymene ect .

  21. 近年来,学术界掀起了关于秦桧归宋与评价等问题的讨论,这是推进宋史研究的一件好事。

    In recent years , there is an academic contend about Qin Hui , s return to the Song Dynasty . It is a good deed for advancing the study of the Song history .

  22. 主要共有成分为桉油醇、香桧烯、β-蒎烯、月桂烯、a-松油醇,其中桉油醇的含量最高,通常在20%以上,最高达355%。

    The main compounds were eucalyptol , sabinene , β _pinene , myrcene and α _terpineol . The percentage of eucalyptol content usually was more than 20 % , and the highest 35 5 % .

  23. 从分离出的63个峰中鉴定出47个成分,其中主要成分是1,8-桉叶素(23.75%),香桧烯(10.63%),柠檬烯(8.77%)和α-松油醇(6.36%)等。

    47 constituents were identified from 63 separated peaks and the main compounds were 1 , 8-cineole ( 23.75 % ), sabinene ( 10.63 % ), limonene ( 8.77 % ), and α - terpineol ( 6.36 % ) .

  24. 结果果实中挥发油提取率为4.73%,主要成分为桧烯(32.43%)、苎烯(28.91%)和1,8-桉树脑(13.55%);

    Results The extract ratio of volatile oils from the fruits was 4.73 % , in which sabinene ( 32.43 % ), limonene ( 28.91 % ) and 1 , 8-cineole ( 13.55 % ) were the main constituents .

  25. 如果你曾羡慕地盯着一只蚂蚁,嫉妒它六条腿的效率,那么你会很高兴听到这则消息,日本稲见?桧山研究所的工程师开发了一套多臂机械套装,可以使用户控制另外两条手臂。

    If you 've ever stared enviously at an ant , jealous of its six-legged efficiency , then you 'll be happy to hear that engineers at Japan 's Inami Hiyama Laboratory have developed a multi-limbed robotic suit - able to give users control over two extra arms .

  26. 绍兴二十五年、绍兴二十六年达到南宋外交的巅峰时期,究其原因,是秦桧改变了对朝贡外交的态度,推动朝贡从边境外交走向都城外交。

    Twenty-fifth of Shao Xing and twenty-sixth of Shao Xing , it is up to the peak period of the diplomacy of Southern Song Dynasty . The investigating reason for this is Qin Kuai changes the attitude to the tributary diplomacy and promotes the diplomacy in border to the capital .