
dànɡ àn shì
  • archives;filing cabinet;muniment room;record office
  1. 这张照片在档案室中藏了40多年。

    The picture lay hidden in the archives for over 40 years

  2. 浅谈企业基层综合档案室的档案收集工作

    On the File Collection Work of Comprehensive Archives for Enterprise Primary Level

  3. 这个存量巨大的档案室的所有文件都已编了索引,可供研究人员使用。

    This vast archive has been indexed and made accessible to researchers

  4. 所以,我和我的同事LisaShaw,她来自养老院,我们一起在医疗档案室

    So a colleague of mine from nursing called Lisa Shaw and I

  5. 长官我把spenser的电脑屏幕运行情况从档案室调出来了。

    Sir , I was able to pull spenser 's screen activity from the archive .

  6. 如果需要从档案室提取质量保证(QA)记录,则核质量保证工程师应将该记录的情况、提取原因、检索日期和归还时间等信息记录到核质量保证(QA)记录控制日志。

    If the QA Records must be withdrawn from the Record Room , the NQA Engineer shall identify the records , reasons , and date of retrieval and return time on a QA Record Control Log .

  7. 我不过是执行联合参谋档案室的规章。

    I 'm just filling in for the joint staff historian .

  8. 论文件中心取代不了机关档案室

    Archive Office in organ can not be replaced by Record Center

  9. 外星人档案室。

    In the alien archive , sir ! The alien ... -

  10. 在老拉德里的地下室里这儿有个档案室

    There 's a records room in the old radley basement .

  11. 基层档案室应加强档案鉴定工作

    The Archival Appraisal Work at Basic-Level Archival Room Should be Strengthened

  12. 如何发挥我校综合档案室职能作用

    How to Apply the Function comprehensive archives of our school

  13. 科学发展促进学校综合档案室规范管理

    Scientific Development Concept to Promote Standard Management for Integrated Files in Schools

  14. 谈新闻单位档案室的社会功能建设

    Construction of Social Function for Records Office of News Unit

  15. 什么事我从档案室拿到了警方记录

    Yeah ? I have the police report from archives .

  16. 他们可以去档案室,那里也能拿到。

    They could have gone down to the archives and got them .

  17. 一周后,仍然在公司的档案室里。

    One week later , still at the archives of the company .

  18. 管理员:哦,我们图书馆档案室的那份工作?

    Librarian : Oh , the job here in our library archive ?

  19. 关于工程造价咨询中介机构档案室现代化管理的思考与实践

    On the project cost consulting agency archives modern management thinking

  20. 这些满文档案室研究清朝历史的重要史料。

    The archives of the Qing Dynasty Manchu history of important historical materials .

  21. 某大厦档案室加固

    Design and Construction of the Reinforcement of A Muniment Room in a Building

  22. 他从档案室挤出一些情报。

    He eked out some information from the archives .

  23. 就是莎拉从档案室拿到的那些

    Same one Sara got from the records office .

  24. 之前她在一个档案室里。

    She was in one of the archive rooms .

  25. 事实上,很可能存在一所完备的法律文件档案室或法学图书馆。

    In fact , it presupposes an excellent legal archive or law library .

  26. 潜入戒备森严的克林姆林宫档案室

    is to penetrate the highly-secured archive inside the Kremlin

  27. 数字海事与数字档案室建设

    Digital maritime affair and digital archive office construction

  28. 第二价值:不是档案室职能改变的理由

    The Second Value : It is Not Reason for Changing Function of File Room

  29. 综合档案室管理及发展的思考

    Administration & Development of Comprehensive Archives Library Establishment

  30. 这事你交给档案室的小女孩做吧。

    I think you should give this to one of the girls in archives .