
  • 网络Archival undertaking
  1. 按照科学的发展观加快档案事业的发展

    To Accelerate the Development of the Archival Undertaking according to the Scientific Development View

  2. 抓住重点突破难点大力推进档案事业的发展

    To seize the point , break through the difficulty , and put forward the development of archival undertaking strongly

  3. 加强档案事业单位固定资产管理之对策

    Countermeasures of Strengthening the Management of Fixed Assets of Archive Institutions

  4. 档案事业发展战略的研究和制定

    The Research and Formulation on The Development Strategy of Archival Cause

  5. 这也是档案事业现代化进程中提出的新的课题。

    This also is anew task on the process of modernization .

  6. 坚持理论创新促进档案事业的可持续发展

    Insist on Theory Innovation to Promote a Suitable Development of Archive Cause

  7. 加快达县档案事业发展的思考

    Thoughts on quickening the development of archives undertaking in Daxian

  8. 拓展服务的广度和深度促进档案事业的发展

    Developing the Range and Quality of Service and Promoting the Archive Business

  9. 浅谈人力资源的开发与档案事业的发展

    Discussion on Development of the Human Resource and Expanding of Archive Cause

  10. 创新是保持高校档案事业可持续发展的动力

    Innovation is the Driving Force for Sustainable Development of the University Archives

  11. 朱元璋与明朝文书档案事业的发展

    The Emperor ZHU Yuan-zhang and the Development of Archives Cause in Ming Dynasty

  12. 促进文档信息化加快档案事业的发展

    Promote using Information in Archives , Speed up the Development of Archives Undertaking

  13. 论现代档案事业的三大特征

    The Discussion of Three Features of Modern File Cause

  14. 民族文化大省建设与档案事业发展

    Archives and the Development of Yunnan as a Province Featuring Great Cultural Diversity

  15. 科技创新在档案事业发展中的实证研究

    Empirical Research of Scientific and Technology Innovation in the Development of Archives Endeavor

  16. 图书情报档案事业;学习型城市;终身教育体系。

    Library information and archives career ; Learning city ; Life-long education system .

  17. 现代档案事业主要表现出三大特征:运作机制社会化,管理手段信息化,保障措施法律化。

    The modern file cause expresses three features .

  18. 科学发展观与档案事业

    The Scientific Viewpoint of Development and Archives Enterprise

  19. 提高人文素质是发展档案事业的重要保障

    Enhancing the Human Culture Quality is the Important Factor to Develop the Archives Cause

  20. 迎接知识经济发展档案事业

    Meeting Knowledge Economy And Developing Archives Cause

  21. 与时俱进推进凉山州档案事业新发展

    To Keep Pace with the Times and Boost the Archive Project Development in Liangshan Prefecture

  22. 如何充分履行职责,为高等学校档案事业发展创造条件等三方面说明高等学校档案部门必须全面理解和正确把握科学发展观的主要内涵和基本要求,自觉运用科学发展观指导档案工作。

    How to fully fulfill the duty to create conditions for the development of filing cause .

  23. 管理创新对于高校档案事业的发展极为重要。

    Innovative management is of vital importance to the development of archives in colleges and universities .

  24. 狠抓落实为档案事业持续发展提供有力保障

    To grasp deeply and completely , offer strong guarantee for the sustainable development of archives undertaking

  25. 高校办公室是促进档案事业发展的关键

    The Office is the Key to the Development of the Archives in the Institutions of Higher Learning

  26. 文章探讨了如何把监督和业务指导有机结合起来,更好地为档案事业服务。

    This article has discussed how to combine organically supervision and professional guidance to serve the filing cause .

  27. 该队伍素质的高低直接影响高校档案事业的发展。

    The quality of the staffs concerned with file-keeping definitely influences the development of file-keeping project in high school .

  28. 以评估工作为动力推动高校档案事业又好又快发展

    To improve the sound and fast development of archives enterprise in higher education institutions with the assessment work as motivation

  29. 坚持以法治档确保档案事业的健康发展

    Persist in the Principle of Managing the Archives with the Law and Ensure the Healthy Development of the Archives Cause

  30. 高校档案事业的健康发展关键取决于档案干部队伍的素质。

    The key of the healthy development of the file cause in higher learning institutions depends on the quality of the file management personnel .