
Analysis on Sang Hong-yang 's Thoughts on Business Management
Sang Hong-yang'management theory was based on Guan Zi ' " Non-importance vs Importance " doctrine .
Part IV discusses and assesses the economic thinking and economic practices of Sang Hong - yang .
Part II introduces Sang Hong - yang , and analyzes the economic , political , ideological situation of his era .
Sang Hongyang was a high official who had long been in charge of the operation of the central finance and economy in Han Dynasty .
SANG Hong-yang and Colbert are two representatives of mercantilism in the east and the west respectively , and both their ideas have some similarities and distinctive differences .
In this part , the author will make the conclusions basing on the analyses of the main contents , features , estimates of the Sang Hong-yang economic ethics and furthermore put forward the relevant problems to research in the future .
The current study of the academic about Sang Hong-yang focused on his economic thoughts , the rule of law ideology , the political ideology , especially the economic thoughts as the most , while the research about his economic ethics is relatively scarce .