
  • 网络loranthaceae;Loranthacea;Family Loranthaceae
  1. 结果作为药材的桑寄生科药用植物共有9个属共28个种(含变种),占广西桑寄生科植物种数的84.85%。

    Results There are 84.85 of Loranthaceae that could be used for medicinal plants , in folks , including 9 genuses or 28 categories ( including varieties ) of that plants that were distributed everywhere in the whole area .

  2. 中国桑寄生科Loranthaceae药用植物资源学研究进展

    Study on Medicinal Plants of Loranthaceae Resources in China

  3. 中国桑寄生科Loranthaceae药用植物研究

    Studies on Medicinal Plants of Loranthaceae in China

  4. 云南茶树桑寄生科植物病害的研究

    Sudies on Tea Diseases Caused by Loranthaceae in Yunnan , China

  5. 中国桑寄生科植物叶表皮微形态

    Micromorphology of leaf epidermis in Chinese Loranthaceae

  6. 桑寄生科8种;

    Species of family Loranthaceae ;