
àn jiàn shòu lǐ fèi
  • Case acceptance fee;litigation fee;court acceptance fee
  1. 在民事诉讼中,不应征收作为程序启动费的案件受理费。

    Civil action should not levy fees for starting procedure .

  2. 第一百零七条当事人进行民事诉讼,应当按照规定交纳案件受理费。

    Article 107 Any party filing a civil lawsuit shall pay court costs according to the rules .

  3. 根据相关司法解释,如不能在规定的期限内缴纳案件受理费的,按撤诉处理。

    According to the relevant judicial interpretations , case acceptance fee if not paid within the prescribed period , withdrawal of treatment .

  4. 同意你委对申请仲裁当事人收取仲裁费用,仲裁费用包括案件受理费和案件处理费。

    I.We agree to your application for collecting fees from the parties concerned in arbitration cases , which includes case acceptance fees and case handling fees .

  5. 人民法院经审理,于2005年7月22日依法裁定驳回原告的起诉,案件受理费由原告承担。

    The result : The people 's court reject the plaintiff 's prosecution in July 22 , 2005 , the fees of hear a case undertakes by the plaintiff .

  6. 换言之,案件受理费的缴纳表明审判程序的开始,不缴纳案件受理费就不能使案件进入审判程序。

    In other words , to pay the case acceptance fee that the beginning of the trial proceedings do not pay the case acceptance fee will not make the case go to trial .

  7. 被申请人在提出反请求的同时,应当按照仲裁案件受理费表的规定预交案件受理费。

    The respondent shall , while in the process of raising a counter-claim , pay in advance the fees for accepting the case in accordance with the provisions of the table of fees for Accepting Arbitration cases .

  8. 申请仲裁时争议金额未确定的,由仲裁委员会根据争议所涉及权益的具体情况确定预先收取的案件受理费数额。

    If the dispute amount has not yet been determined when an arbitration is requested , the Arbitration Commission shall , on the basis of the specific rights and interests involved in the dispute , determine the fee to be paid in advance for accepting the case .

  9. 该诉讼对故意或过失损害财产的行为要求给予补偿。财产案件除交纳案件受理费外,并按照规定交纳其他诉讼费用。

    The action gave a remedy for wilful or negligent damage to property . In cases involving property , other litigation fees shall be paid according to regulations , in addition to the fee for acceptance of the case .