
táo huā dǎo
  • Taohua Island
  1. 你知道,桃花岛是怎么称呼出来的?

    Do you know , how did the name for Taohua Island com ?

  2. 非主题公园式外景地旅游发展研究&以舟山桃花岛景区为例

    Study on the Tourism Development in Non-theme Park Movie Locations : A Case Study of Taohua Island in Zhejiang Province

  3. 浙江舟山桃花岛的天然植被类型

    Natural Vegetation on Taohua Isle in Zhejiang Province

  4. 侠骨柔情桃花岛

    Chivalrous and tender feelings in Peach blossom island

  5. 舟山桃花岛桃花湾景观旅游规划探析

    Peach Blossom Bay Tourism and Landscape Plan

  6. 以武汉市桃花岛塘和复合潜流人工湿地组合生态处理系统为研究对象,考察了对城市地表径流的处理效果。

    This system was used to control urban surface runoff and the initial operation of constructed wetlands was discussed .

  7. 以浙江舟山群岛桃花岛桃花湾景观旅游规划为例,探析风景区规划新思路。

    Peach Blossom Bay is taken as an example of the new planned ideas of scenic areas which the paper studies .

  8. 汉阳地区桃花岛示范工程的汇处理系统是为了净化源处理系统所收集的雨水和道路排水。

    The catchment treatment in Taohuadao 's demonstration area pollution prevention project is to purify rain and road drainage collected by resource treatment system .

  9. 我们家为什么总是你跑得那么远,假如妈妈哪天突然闭眼,我想像你坐2个小时才能到舟山机场,然后再转桃花岛,我早已归西了!

    We why can you run home so far away , if mom which day I imagine you suddenly close their eyes , sit two hours to get to the airport , and then the zhoushan peach blossom island , I already went !