
  1. 传说归传说,桂林米粉到底是哪个做出来的呢?

    Legend to the legend , Guilin rice noodle which to do in the end come from ?

  2. 另一个当地的小吃就是桂林米粉,用米做成的,非常有弹性。

    The other specialities in this area is guilin noodles , made of rice , very elastic .

  3. 我想在潍坊开一家桂林米粉店,不知道是否行得通?

    I would like to open a Weifang Mi Fendian Guilin , I do not know if it works ?

  4. 虽然现今在全国其它地方都能吃到桂林米粉,但要想吃到正宗原味的米粉就只能桂林才有。

    Though there are guilin noodles all over the country right now , but You can 't get original style and flavor outside guilin .