
  1. 以中国科学院栾城农业生态试验站的地下水位观测资料以及气象资料为基础,综合运用降水、蒸发、土壤水、地下水动态观测资料,利用EARTH模型计算了河北平原地下水垂向入渗补给量。

    Observed data of rainfall , evaporation , soil moisture and groundwater are applied synthetically in the transient lumped parameter model ( EARTH ) to calculate vertical recharge of groundwater in Luancheng , Hebei Plain .

  2. 运用SWAP模型对太行山山前平原&河北省栾城县田间土壤水分运动进行了数值模拟。

    The article is based on SWAP model and did numerical simulation for water movement in the soil of farmland in the piedmont plain of the Taihang Mountains , Luancheng County in Hebei province .

  3. 根据中科院栾城农业生态系统综合试验站和栾城县气象站的常规观测资料,运用SWAP软件对太行山山前平原-河北省栾城县田间土壤水分运动进行了数值模拟。

    Based on the data from Luancheng Agriculture Experimental Station of CAS and Luancheng Weather Station , numerical simulation of soil water movement of farmland in the piedmont plain of the Taihang Mountains is conducted using SWAP model as an analysis tool .

  4. 自从20世纪60年代大规模开采地下水以来,栾城县的地下水位以每年大约0.65m的速度下降。

    The groundwater table has been declining at a rate of 0.65 m / yr in Luancheng County since pumping groundwater on a large scale in the 1960s .

  5. 农用地分等定级与估价关系初探&以河北省栾城县农用地分等定级估价成果为例

    On Relation Between Grading and Classification and Appraisal of Arable Land

  6. 40年来栾城降水变化特征分析

    Characteristics of Precipitation at Luancheng Station in Recent 40 Years

  7. 1973年,全国小麦现场会在栾城召开;

    In1973 , the national wheat spot in the city held Luan ;

  8. 河北栾城农业水资源供需状况及优化利用研究

    Status and optimization of agricultural water resource utilization in Luancheng of Hebei province

  9. 栾城县土系划分及其基本性状

    Classification and basic properties of soils in Luancheng County

  10. 栾城县地下水均衡的初步分析

    Elementary Analysis on Groundwater Balance of Luancheng County

  11. 河北栾城县农田土壤养分肥力状况与调控

    Status of agricultural soil fertility and ameliorating measures in Luancheng County in Hebei Province

  12. 现在栾城县的鸡多为卤煮鸡,而熏鸡很少。

    Now the chickens Luancheng County for more than Luzhu chicken , and smoked chicken little .

  13. 城市周边地下水系统脆弱性评价&以栾城县为例

    The groundwater vulnerability assessment of the district around city & taking Luancheng County as an example

  14. 现代种植业系统能流转化效率分析及评价&以河北省栾城县为例

    Evaluation and analysis of energy change ratio in modern planting example in Luancheng county , Hebei Province

  15. 栾城农业生态系统试验站土壤水分特征曲线分析

    Discussion on the soil Water Characteristic Curve of the Agricultural Eco-System Experiment Station in Luancheng , Hebei Province

  16. 1978年栾城县被国务院列为全国农业现代化综合科学试验基地之一;

    Luancheng County in1978 by the National Agricultural Modernization of the State Council as a comprehensive scientific test base ;

  17. 栾城冬小麦产量与气候条件的统计学分析

    A statistical analysis of the yield of Winter Wheat in Luan Cheng Prefecture in relation with the local climatic conditions

  18. 光热资源和农作物的光热生产潜力&以河北省栾城县为例

    On the light and thermal resources and the crop potential productivity & taking Luancheng County of Hebei Province as an example

  19. 太行山山前平原降水量特征及其分布的小波分析&以栾城为例

    Wavelet analysis of precipitation and its distribution in the Piedmont region of Taihang mountains & a case study at Luancheng station

  20. 我国农业生命周期评价框架探索及其应用&以河北栾城冬小麦为例

    Framework Study and Application of Agricultural Life Cycle Assessment in China : A Case Study of Winter Wheat Production in Luancheng of Hebei

  21. 本文依据河北省栾城县最新的浅层地下水水位埋深与水化学等资料,在综合分析研究区水文地质条件的基础上,系统分析了研究区内地下水水化学特征和地下水埋深分布情况。

    Based on the buried depth and groundwater chemistry data in study area , the groundwater buried depth and water chemistry were analyzed systemically .

  22. 并以河北省栾城县为例,计算了小麦、玉米、水稻和不同熟制的光热生产潜力。

    Taking Luancheng as an example , the potential productivities of wheat , maize , rice and for different cropping system have been investigated .

  23. 太行山前倾斜平原区地下水位动态特征分析及其趋势预测&以河北省栾城县为例

    Research on groundwater regime and its changing trends in Taihang Mountain-foot Plain of North China : A case study of Luancheng County , Hebei Province

  24. 栾城县是闻名全国的小麦高产区之一,耕、种、收全部实现机械化,节水灌溉正在推广普及。

    Luancheng County in china is one of the areas of high-yield wheat , tillage , seed , to achieve full mechanization , is promoting water-saving irrigation .

  25. 新中国成立以后,特别是改革开放以来,栾城县经济建设迅速发展,各项事业欣欣向荣。

    After the founding of New China , especially since the reform and opening up , economic construction and the rapid development of Luancheng County , the cause of prosperity .

  26. 栾城县地理位置十分重要,古代即居南北交通要冲,北京至南京的古皇道穿境而过;

    Luancheng County location is very important , that is , home of ancient north-south hub , to Beijing , Nanjing Road , the ancient imperial territory and had to wear ;

  27. 本文在分析现代种植业系统特点的基础上,以河北省栾城县为例,研究了现代种植业系统的投入和生产特点。

    Based on analyses of the characteristics of modern planting system , this paper discusses the characteristics of input and production in modern planting system in Luancheng County , Hebei Province .

  28. 分析了1960~2001年地处华北平原典型区的中国科学院生态系统网络站之一&栾城农业生态系统实验站42年的降水变化特征。

    Characteristics of the precipitation during 1960 ~ 2001 , at Luancheng Agro ~ ecosystem Station , the member of CERN ( China Ecosystem Research Network ), located at the North China Plain , was analyzed by statistic method .

  29. 采用地统计方法,分别对栾城县(面积约30490hm2)和中国科学院栾城生态农业试验站示范区(15hm2)农田耕层土壤养分的空间变异特征进行了研究。

    By the method of geostatistics , this paper studied the spatial variability of soil nutrients in 30 490 hm 2 crop field in Luancheng region and in 15 hm 2 experimental field in Luancheng Ecological Agriculture Station of Chinese Academy of Sciences .

  30. 在太行山山前平原典型农区,对区域地表能量平衡及日蒸散模型进行了实证研究,且通过中国科学院栾城农业生态试验站田间实测资料对模型估算结果进行了有效性的验证。

    A model for the regional surface energy-balance and daily evapotranspiration is applied to the farmlands in the North China Plain , and the experiments at Luancheng Agro-ecosystem station , Chinese Academy of Sciences are made to test the accuracy of the model .
