- 名Greenwich Mean Time ;Universal Time ;Greenwich time

Standard time in Turkey is two hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time .
The 68-year-old Elizabeth Abbott arrived at 5:38 Greenwich mean time ... exhausted but happy .
It died in the seventies when governments adopted Coordinated Universal Time , or UTC .
CORRESPONDENT But no one officially uses GMT anymore .
But no one officially uses GMT anymore .
The territory 's currency weakened to HK $ 7.7567 against the greenback by 15:00 GMT yesterday .
Hello and welcome to the latest global news recorded at02:00 GMT on Tuesday , 16th June .
The departure time is35 hours local time , and you arrive in London at21 Greenwish time .
The IMF confirmed that Greece had failed to make the payment , shortly after 22:00 GMT on Tuesday .
Ahead today Fed Chairman Bernanke speaks at15:00 GMT at his semi-annual monetary policy report testimony before the Senate banking committee .
The main international system of nomenclature for time zones around the world was thus referenced to Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT ) .
British summer time abbreviation BST is the time used in Britain from late March to late October that is one hour later than Greenwich mean time .
A national minute of silence followed the wail of tsunami alarm sirens at 2:46 pm ( 0546 GMT ), the exact moment a 9.0-magnitude undersea quake hit .
Scientists at ESA mission headquarters erupted in applause shortly after 4pm GMT as a radio signal from Philae 511m km away confirmed that the washing-machine-sized probe had reached the surface .
This morning at 6 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time , 12 days after the launch of the military action in Libya , NATO took sole command of international air operations over Libya .
The 19-year-old survivor was found at 03:30 local time on Wednesday ( 19:30 GMT Tuesday ) under a collapsed building and is now receiving medical treatment , reported state news agency Xinhua .
A Metropolitan Police spokesperson said the police were called to a hotel in Park Lane at 09:05 GMT on Monday , where " a woman in her mid-40s " was pronounced dead at the scene .
Since then , the petition -- which only British citizens or UK residents have the right to sign -- was proving so popular that by 1725 GMT on Saturday , 2005101 people had signed it .
Every night , around midnight GMT , the Sun sets on the Cayman Islands , and doesn 't rise over the British Indian Ocean Territory until after 1:00 A.M. For that hour , the little Pitcairn Islands in the South Pacific are the only British territory in the Sun .
For example , New Yorkers know their time zone as Eastern Standard Time ( EST ), and only a regular international traveler would recognize it as GMT-5 .
The International Meridien Conference of 1884 established Greenwich Mean Time , referring to the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich , near London .
Likewise , the U.S. West coast time zone is known to most Americans as Pacific Standard Time ( PST ) zone rather than GMT-8 .
Getting rid of it would mean the end of Greenwich Mean Time , which is measured by the sun and would no longer be accurate .
It is probably impolitic to mention that there might be benefits if Britain followed Brussels time rather than Greenwich mean time .
As they watched , a massive multi-million dollar display of fireworks entitled " Creation " lit up the sky at the stroke of midnight local time ( 1300 GMT ) .
The four continental US time zones , like most time zones around the world , are known by one set of names for domestic purposes , and in reference to GMT for international purposes .
Surono said data showed Merapi had belched more heat clouds at5:30 am on Wednesday ( 2230 GMT Tuesday ) which could reach up to four kilometres ( two miles ) from the volcano 's crater .
So Greenwich meantime , or GMT , was born here outside London in 1884 .