
ɡé shì tǎ xīn lǐ xué
  • gestalt psychology
  1. 于是有格式塔心理学派异质同构或同形说之出现。

    So the theory of different qualities sharing same structure or the theory of same form of Gestalt psychology school appears .

  2. 对于遗忘,认知心理学家探讨了短时记忆的遗忘、前摄抑制、后摄抑制、近因效应、首因效应等,这些方面在格式塔心理学中也有充分的体现;

    They discussed forgetting in short-term memory , retroactive inhibition , proactive inhibition , primacy effect and recency effect , which incarnated the research of Gestalt psychology ;

  3. 基于格式塔心理学的手写识别及MatLab仿真

    Handwriting recognition based on Gestalt psychology and MatLab simulation

  4. 基于格式塔心理学的知觉定律,采用3次B样条拟合出手势的表观轨迹。

    Based on the perception law in Gestalt psychological research foundation , cubic B-spline is adopted to approximately fit those discrete trajectory points and obtain the appearance trajectory of hand gesture .

  5. 早期认知心理学家西蒙、纽厄尔等对格式塔心理学J宏彩视域与以劝范李亡提出的顿悟以及重新建构用信息加工的观点进行了解释,并设计了一些计算机程序对这些心理现象进行模拟。

    The early cognitive psychologists Simon and Newell explained insight and re-structuring of Gestalt psychology by using viewpoint of information processing , and designed computer programmes to simulate these psychology phenomena .

  6. 格式塔心理学原理在设计课程教学中的运用

    The Function of the Theory of Gestalt Psychology in Curriculum Design

  7. 完形心理学或格式塔心理学对环境做出了新的理解。

    Gestalt psychology has arrived at a new understanding of it .

  8. 格式塔心理学认为,人们自然而然观察到的事物都带有完形特点。

    It considered that we have observed things naturally with Gestalt features .

  9. 格式塔心理学是西方现代心理学主要流派之一。

    Gestalt psychology is one of the main genres in modern Western psychology .

  10. 格式塔心理学在旅游规划中的运用

    The Uses of Gestalt Psychological Theory in Tourism Planning

  11. 意象翻译过程中格式塔心理学的应用

    Application of Gestalt in the Process of Image Translation

  12. 首次将格式塔心理学引入数字化建筑表现艺术的研究。

    Introduced the Gestalt Psycology into the research on Digitizing Architectural Display Skill firstly .

  13. 格式塔心理学强调整体,推崇知觉的识别与组织作用。

    Gestalt psychology emphasizes the wholeness and praises highly discernment and organization function of consciousness .

  14. 格式塔心理学提出了记忆痕迹理论,强调刺激所在的情境对回忆的影响;

    Gestalt psychology put forward memory trace theory , which emphasized how stimulate context influences recall ;

  15. 格式塔心理学在景观中的应用

    Gestalt Psychology Applied in Landscape

  16. 根据格式塔心理学,整体大于部分的总和。

    According to Gestalt psychology , the whole is greater than the sum of all the parts .

  17. 以格式塔心理学为理论依据,浅析动画解读机制。

    Then , it briefly analyzed the animation explanation mechanism based on the theory of Gestalt psychology .

  18. 究其渊源,皮尔斯的思想主要受到了存在主义、现象学、格式塔心理学、精神分析学派、整体论和东方思想等多种流派的影响。

    Perls was mainly affected by existentialism , phenomenology , gestalt psychology , psychoanalysis , holism and eastern theories .

  19. 应用格式塔心理学的组织律可以完善报纸版面式样。

    The rules of organization derived from application psychology can perfect and develop the models of the newspapers layout .

  20. 并根据格式塔心理学的基本原理,对科研团队的交流环境和学习环境提出了改善的建议。希望借此,提高科研团队内部的工作绩效。

    By using Gestalt psychology , I bring forward some advices for improving the environment of communication and learning .

  21. 本文运用格式塔心理学的理论,从场的视角来阐释意象的概念。

    This essay uses the theory of Gestalt Psychology , explaining the conception of imago in the view of field .

  22. 格式塔心理学正好是当代文化艺术和美学精神所滑入的意识体验。

    Gestalt psychology is just the contemporary culture art and aesthetics spirit by sliding into the conscious experience of the .

  23. 格式塔心理学视域中苏轼词风的表现方式

    An Analysis of the Expressive Modes of the Style of Su Shi 's Ci Poetry with Isomorphism of Gestalt Psychology

  24. 本文从格式塔心理学、语用零推理等角度出发,分析和探讨了文体的显突性以及这种显突性在文体读出时的生成和理解效应。

    This article analyzes stylistic salience and stylistic read-outness from the perspective of Gestalt psychology , pragmatic default inference , etc.

  25. 韦特海默发表《运动知觉的实验研究》,这些发现标志着格式塔心理学的肇始。

    Wertheimer publishes ," Experimental Studies of the Perception of Movement . " These findings marked the beginning of Gestalt Psychology .

  26. 格式塔心理学提出了顿悟理论,强调个体解决问题的过程是一个产生顿悟的过程。

    Gestalt psychology came up with insight theory and stressed that it was a production process of insight about problem solving .

  27. 中医藏象神志学说的心理学意义辨析意象翻译过程中格式塔心理学的应用

    Analysis of the Psychological Significance of Theories of Viceral Manifestation and Spirit-mind in Traditional Chinese Medicine Application of Gestalt in the Process of Image Translation

  28. 格式塔心理学所研究的出发点是“形”,而对建筑来说,主要是通过视觉来知觉客观的事物。

    The point for study of Gestalt psycology is " form ", in Architecture , primarily the objective thing is recognized through the sense of vision .

  29. 格式塔心理学主张任何形状或形式决不是各个部分的简单相加,而是经过主体知觉活动重新加以建构使之完形的结果。

    Gestalt psychology advocates that any form or shape is no simple combination of parts , but a result of reconstruction by the subject 's perception .

  30. 心理环境的概念来源于格式塔心理学派的整体论观点,它强调了心理环境各构成要素对整体功效的影响和制约。

    The conception of Psychological environment root in holism of Gestalt psychology , which emphasize on the influence and restriction brought by factors of the psychological environment .