- nuclear reactor;atomic reactor;fission reactor;atomic pile

[nuclear reactor] 在其中引发并控制裂变材料的链式反应的装置(如为了产生动力用热或从铀生产钚)
They shut down the nuclear reactor for safety reasons .
A nuclear reactor is the apparatus in which atoms are split .
The reactor is encased in concrete and steel .
Emergency cooling systems could fail and a reactor meltdown could occur .
The guts of the reactor have to be hauled out of the pressure vessel .
He successfully deactivated a nuclear reactor in a laboratory before meltdown .
核反应堆循环冷却水中 ̄(14)C含量的测定
Determination of Trace  ̄( 14 ) Cin Nuclear Reactor Cooling Water
Application of H_ ∞ control method to nuclear reactor power control system
Computer Simulation System of Neural PID Control on Nuclear Reactor
Using PLC in nuclear reactor dose detect system & development of multiple function radioactivity detect instrument
Toshiba is seeking to offload a big stake in its Westinghouse atomic power unit amid uncertainty over demand for nuclear reactors .
Graham grew up outside of Pittsburgh , where his father , a physicist , designed nuclear reactors and his mother raised Graham and his sister .
Westinghouse Electric , a US nuclear group , has just handed over 75000 documents as part of a deal to build four advanced nuclear reactors in China .
Of these , it is unlikely that countries with a GDP smaller than US $ 50 billion would be able to purchase a nuclear reactor costing at least a few billion dollars .
He went head-to-head with France 's president , Nicolas Sarkozy , to win a $ 20bn reactor sale to the United Arab Emirates .
M5 zirconium alloy is mainly applied in the nuclear reactor core as the fuel cladding tubes and structure materials .
E.was the designer of the reactors at the40-year-old Fukushima Daiichi plant in Okuma , Japan , that was damaged by last Friday 's tsunami and has had a series of explosions since then .
The new government of Shinzo Abe has said that it will look at restarting reactors deemed safe , but the timetable remains unclear .
A Pakistani official said future supplies of nuclear reactors from China would come with safeguards according to international standards applied by the International Atomic Energy Agency .
The project will adopt the most advanced Westinghouse-designed AP1000 pressurized water reactors , he added .
He said all steps should assist general progress in the six-party talks that produced the February accord , under which Kim Jong-il 's regime agreed to shut down its main nuclear reactor by mid-April .
The advancement of simulation technology promotes the deep research of real-time systems in urgent need such as nuclear reactor , military field and fly-by-wire systems .
Under a separate contract , Areva is expected to supply uranium for other , less powerful reactors that CGNPC plans to build .
The high temperature mechanical properties and the microstructure stability of low activation Fe-Cr-Mn ( W , V ) austenitic alloy after long time ( 1000h ) age under different temperatures were studied in this paper .
When the nuclear reactor is in the state of leaking , the boric water 's gravity characteristics can be used to supply water to core passively , which can cool the core urgently .
Based on these experimental results , the ranges of some physical parameters which might be useful to the design of Th-U nuclear reactor have been presented .
Condensation of steam in the presence of noncondensable gases is an important heat transfer mode in the passive containment cooling system ( PCCS ) .
But on joining the NSG , it argued that it had already promised to build the second of two nuclear reactors for Pakistan at Chasma in Punjab and would therefore go ahead .
Lately studies showed that the low activation Fe-Cr-Mn type alloys were very likely to substitute the high activation Fe-Cr-Ni type alloys and can be used as first wall and cladding materials in fusion reactors .
Already a consortium of nine environmental groups plans to contest the vogtle licence in court , alleging that the NRC violated the national environmental policy act by failing fully to consider the environmental impact of the new reactors .