
  • 网络safeguards;nuclear safeguard
  1. IAEA核保障技术的进展

    Progress of IAEA safeguards technology

  2. 根据我国核保障技术的发展和需求,本研究工作率先在国内提出并开始进行了TGS技术的研究。

    The present work is the first in China to research TGS according to the requirements of nuclear safeguards technology in China .

  3. 在国内,MCNP主要用于核保障技术、核临界、核聚变、高温汽冷堆、微堆、新堆等方面的计算。

    In China MCNP is used for the computation of nuclear fusion , high temperature air cooling reactor , micro reactor , new type reactor , etc.

  4. 核保障的数据管理系统(DMSSA)(英文)

    A data management system for safeguards applications ( dmssa )

  5. 核保障无损分析设备中图形界面软件的研制

    The design of graphical interface software package in safeguards NDA system

  6. 后处理厂释放气体中稳定惰性气体同位素在核保障监督中的应用研究

    Stable Noble Gas Isotopes Released From Reprocessing Plant Used for Nuclear Safeguards

  7. 核保障的微粒分析与二次离子质谱仪

    Particle Analysis in Nuclear Safeguards and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer

  8. 辐射探测技术在核保障中运用简述

    The brief review of radiometry technology application in nuclear safeguard

  9. 核保障技术研究的现状和进展

    Current Status and Progress on Nuclear Safeguards Technology Research

  10. 在核保障领域,实物保护是一项重要的技术手段。

    In the field of Nuclear Safeguard , Physical protection is an important technical measure .

  11. 中子测量技术是核保障领域非破坏性分析技术中重要方法之一。

    Neutron measurement technology is one of important Non-destructive assay methods in nuclear safeguards field .

  12. 基于MS-Windows3.X环境的核保障数据获取处理软件开发

    Development of data acquisition and processing software based on MS-Windows 3 . X for safeguards

  13. 核保障视察仪器与方法

    Instruments and technology for safeguards inspection

  14. 描述了件料设施核保障数据的构成,其主要内容是核保障数据流。

    The constitution of nuclear safeguards data flow for the item facilities is introduced and the main contents are the data flow of nuclear safeguards .

  15. 应用γ&NDA(非破坏性分析)方法测定铀样品属性是核保障中衡算测量和核查测量的重要内容。

    Determining attributes of uranium samples by Y - NDA ( Non Destructive Assay ) methods is important activities in MC & A system and routine safeguards inspection .

  16. 核安全保障非破坏性分析研究与发展(Ⅰ)

    Research and development on NDA in safeguards ( I )

  17. 职业安全保障中的政府行为具有妥当性。核安全保障非破坏性分析研究与发展(Ⅰ)

    The Government should act appropriately on securing occupational safety . RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ON NDA IN SAFEGUARDS ( I )

  18. 我们还必须降低核武器在保障我们的安全中的作用。

    We must also reduce the role they play in our security .

  19. 防危核一致性保障技术的研究

    Research on assurance technology of safety kernel consistency

  20. 核物质安全保障措施局

    Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards

  21. 避迁措施是核事故后保障公众健康安全的重要应急措施之一。

    Relocation is one of the important countermeasures which can be introduced to protect the public from high health risks in the event of major nuclear accidents .

  22. 到今年春天之前,我们有机会就一项全面协议进行谈判,这项协议将防止伊朗拥有核武器,保障美国及其包括以色列在内的盟国的安全,同时还能避免再次发生中东冲突。

    Between now and this spring , we have a chance to negotiate a comprehensive agreement that prevents a nuclear-armed Iran , secures America and our allies & including Israel , while avoiding yet another Middle East conflict .

  23. 本文阐述了国外核材料安全保障非破坏性分析研究与发展的最新情况,包括技术开发的国际合作概况和部分重要研究课题的进展:(1)γ能谱法测定钚同位素丰度;

    The recent progress of research and development on NDA in safeguarding nuclear materials is described in this paper , including the general information about international cooperation in technique developments and some important research topics as follows : ( 1 ) plutonium isotopic measurements by gamma-ray spectrometry ;

  24. 核安全监管在保障核能安全利用方面具有十分重要的作用。

    Nuclear safety regulation has an important role in the protection of the safe utilization of nuclear energy .

  25. 其中一个明显令人忧虑的问题是,再过多长时间,日本、韩国乃至台湾会认为它们无法依赖美国的核保护伞来保障自己的安全?

    One obviously troubling question is how long before Japan , South Korea and Taiwan decide they cannot rely on the US nuclear umbrella for their own security ?

  26. γ谱分析技术广泛应用于环境样品测量、中子活化分析、地质找矿、核安全与核保障等研究。

    The technology of γ - spectroanalysis is applied in measuring environment sample and neutron activation analysis and finding mine in geology and nuclear safety and nuclear safeguard , etc.

  27. 妥善应对核安全挑战,保障核能持续健康发展,维护国际安全稳定,成为各国共同面临的重要课题。

    It is incumbent upon all countries to properly address the nuclear security challenge , ensure sustained and sound development of nuclear energy , and uphold international security and stability .

  28. 在核诊断和核保障技术环境样品分析中,对含铀气溶胶微粒(极少的微米级粒子)进行元素和同位素分析是十分重要的。

    In the analysis of environment samples for nuclear diagnosis and nuclear safeguard technology , it is very important to analyze the elemental and isotopic compositions of uranium aerosol particles ( usually very few and in μ m-size ) .

  29. 堆后核燃料循环是充分利用核资源和保障核安全的重要环节。

    The back end fuel cycle is an important link for the full utilization of the nuclear resource and the assurance of nuclear safety .

  30. 国际核机制的建立旨在规范利用核技术行为,保障整个人类的安全。

    The purport of establishing an international nuclear regime is to regulate the action of using nuclear technology and to safeguard the human security .