
jiào yàn
  • check;verification;proof;proof test
校验 [jiào yàn]
  • [check] 校正并测试检验

校验[jiào yàn]
  1. 语义Web技术在基金数据校验中的应用

    Application of Semantic Web Technology in Fund Data Verification

  2. JavaClass文件的结构分析及其校验

    Structure analysis of Java class file and its verification

  3. 汽车下了生产线立即进行校验。

    Cars are checked as they come off the production line .

  4. 采用虚拟仪器技术开发一套虚拟校验仪

    Virtual instrument technology is applied to develop a virtual OECT calibrator .

  5. 基于嵌入式Web服务器的油田注水表自动校验

    Water Meter Automatic Check System Based on Embedded Web Server

  6. 基于位图校验码方法的Web认证系统及其应用

    BMP validation code based Web authorization system and its applications

  7. 头部上皮样肉瘤Internet数据报中的校验和

    Epithelioid sarcoma on the head A Way to Calculate The Internet Check Sum

  8. 有界模型校验(BoundedModelChecking)由于验证的不完备性而经常受到验证人员的指责。

    Bounded model checking is criticized because of its incompleteness in hardware verification .

  9. 介绍了一种基于FPGA的数据异或校验加速卡的设计方案。

    This paper introduces the design of data-XOR accelerated card based on FPGA .

  10. 基于FPGA的循环冗余校验并行实现

    Implementation of parallel CRC based on FPGA

  11. 用VB实现大数据块CRC校验码算法

    Realizing the Algorithm of Big Data Frames ' CRC in VB

  12. hash用于校验下载的二进制文件完整性的hash码。

    Hash A hash code for the downloaded binary to verify its integrity .

  13. 单校验码为子码的多维Turbo乘积码性能分析

    The Performance of Multidimensional Turbo Product Codes with Single Parity Codes as Subcode

  14. CRC校验码并行计算的FPGA实现

    CRC Parallel Computation Implementation on FPGA

  15. 利用CRC校验提高HFC网络通信可靠性

    A Method to Enhance the Reliability of HFC Network Communication by CRC

  16. 在CRC校验中提高码率的新方法

    A New Method of Improving Code Rates in CRC Test

  17. Matlab仿真及动模实验校验表明,该方法简单有效,不受噪声干扰,易于在工程上实现。

    Simulations with Matlab and experiments prove that the method is simple , effective , free from noise and easy to be implemented . Laboratory ;

  18. 远动通讯规约CDT中间余式与校验码算法的研究

    An Economy of Intermediate Form Research about CDT Check Code Calculation

  19. 系统软件设计包括对路由的改进,以及对数据进行CRC校验。

    The software design contains improving the routing protocol and checking the data using CRC .

  20. 电话网远程通信中CRC校验码的设计及实现

    Phone Call Telephone The Design and Implemention of CRC in Remote Communication based on PSTN

  21. 处理那些注册到Eclipse的功能部件和插件,并创建在后面将会用于检测变化的校验和。

    The features and plug-ins known to Eclipse are processed , and check sums are created to detect changes in the future .

  22. 低密度奇偶校验(Low-densityparitycheck)码以其卓越的性能、极低的解码复杂度,在通信领域正得到越来越多的关注。

    Low-Density Parity Check ( LDPC ) code has excellent performance and the complexity of its decoding algorithm is low .

  23. 如果服务器支持用户验证而且Script被保护,这是用于校验用户的特定协议的验证方法。

    Auth_Type If the server supports user authentication and the script is protected , this is the protocol-specific authentication method used to validate the user .

  24. 常用的差错检测方法通过采用奇偶校验、校验和和CRC等编码来实现;

    Parity checking , checksum and CRC coding are commonly used in the error detection technology .

  25. Turbo乘积码是一类易于硬件实现高速迭代译码的分组码,本文对单校验码为子码的高维Turbo乘积码的软输入软输出迭代译码算法进行了详细的分析。

    Turbo product codes are a kind of block codes , which can be decoded at high speed by hardware .

  26. 循环冗余校验码(CRC)的硬件并行实现适用于单片机的循环冗余校验码的快速算法

    The Hardware Implementation for Cyclic Redundancy Code A quick Algorithm of CRC suitable for Single Chip Microcomputers

  27. 其中包括异步串行通信模块、CRC校验模块、车牌中与基站同步的模块等等。

    The serial communication module , CRC checksum generation module and synchronization module are discussed in detail .

  28. Spring上下文包括企业服务,例如JNDI、EJB、电子邮件、国际化、校验和调度功能。

    The Spring context includes enterprise services such as JNDI , EJB , e-mail , internalization , validation , and scheduling functionality .

  29. 通过硬件上奇偶校验与软件上循环冗余校验(CRC)的实现,完成了系统的智能纠错功能;

    The realization of intelligent correction is based on odd or even in hardware and CRC in software .

  30. 同时介绍了在本射频识别系统中使用到的,并且在数据传输中广泛应用的CRC校验编码技术。

    CRC ( Cyclic Redundancy Check ) is used in the RFID system and it is introduced simply .