
xiào bào
  • School newspaper;school newsletter;college publication
  1. 本月学校的校报主题是“自然灾害”。

    The topic of this month 's school newsletter is'Natural disasters ' .

  2. 为你们学校的校报写一篇关于自然灾害的文章。

    Main Task Write about a natural disaster for your school newsletter .

  3. 以前我曾经做过大学校报的主编。

    I used to edit the college paper in the old days .

  4. 它将教你如何写八种不同的校报。开始吧!

    It will show you how to write eight different kinds of school papers.Get Started !

  5. 加入WTO与中国高校校报

    Joining WTO and Chinese college campus paper

  6. 专栏作家金伯利•格莱诺在加州大学校报DailyBruin上说,这一计划并没有听起来那么让人不安。

    Writing in UCLA 's Daily Bruin , columnist Kimberly Grano said the plan is not as intrusive as it might sound .

  7. Oulette负责教校报《野马新闻》的12名学生。

    Ms. Oulette teaches the twelve students on the school newspaper , the Mustang News .

  8. 许多大学生的平均绩点(GPA)较低,是因为他们将精力用在了其他方面,比如在校报工作,积极参与俱乐部、志愿者工作,或在校园内外组建新的社团等。

    Many college students have low GPAs because they 're focused on other things , like working at the school newspaper , being heavily involved in clubs , volunteer work , or building new organizations on and off campus .

  9. NICKYOULETTE:“我知道许多学校都有自己的报纸或时事通讯,但是校报能够在整个居留地甚至整个地区发行的并不是很多。”

    NICKY OULETTE : " I know a lot of schools have their own newspaper or newsletter , but don 't know of many who have a newspaper for the school that 's part of a reservation-wide or huge area-wide publications . "

  10. 让校报成为思想政治教育的重要阵地

    Making school newspaper into important position of ideological and political education

  11. 论校报副刊对校园文化建设的促进作用

    On Promotion Function of College Newspaper Supplement on Campus Cultural Construction

  12. 浅谈高校校报的文化建设功能

    On Cultural Construction Function of School Newspaper in Higher Learning Institutions

  13. 高校校报应成为培养创新人才的阵地

    University Newspaper Should Become an Important Stage for Training Innovative Talent

  14. 那意思时她要加入校报。

    That means she 's going out for the school paper .

  15. 发挥高校校报优势推进和谐校园文化建设

    Exerting predominance of college newspaper Promoting construction of harmonious campus culture

  16. 浅议新时期高校校报的创新发展

    On the Innovative Development of College Newspapers in the New Period

  17. 试论高校校报的办报艺术

    On the Art of Newspaper - Running in Colleges and Universities

  18. 校报副刊:繁荣校园文化的重要载体

    The Newspaper Supplement : an Important Carrier for Flourishing Campus Civilization

  19. 高校校报发展的现实问题及对策

    The Current Problems and Solutions in the Development of College Newspapers

  20. 论大学校报的新闻关系特征

    On the Specific Features of the Relationships in Campus News Media

  21. 新形势下高校校报定位与自身发展

    On Orientation and Self-development of University Newspaper Under the New Situation

  22. 高校校报网络版的探讨网络新产品和升级产品的新闻发布

    On the network edition of college newspaper Network Edition NEW & IMPROVED

  23. 新形势下高校校报强化政治功能的几点思考

    On strengthening political functions of IHL newspaper in new situation

  24. 加强校报规范化建设,是摆在校报工作者面前的一个重要课题。

    It is an important issue to strengthen standardization of college-run newspapers .

  25. 高校校报繁荣发展的有效途径

    The Effective Ways to Prosper and Develop the University Paper

  26. 论高校校报新闻策划

    On news scheme of school newspaper in colleges and universities

  27. 高校校报消息导语写作刍议

    Opinion on writing introductory remarks of news in college newspapers

  28. 浅论民办高校校报服务和谐校园建设

    The Campus Newspaper in Private College Serve for Promoting a Harmonious Campus

  29. 校报急需英文编辑。

    Our school paper is in great need of an English editor .

  30. 此时的校报从数量和质量上都有了长足的发展。

    This time restore considers the number and quality have been developed .