
shù jìng
  • Tree diameter;tree-walk
树径[shù jìng]
  1. 在PC(personalcomputer)机中开发的树径测量管理系统,提高了对测量数据的统计和分析的效率。

    Tree diameter survey management system in PC ( Personal Computer ), improving the efficiency of statistics and analysis stored data .

  2. 基于超声测距的定高树径测量仪的研究

    Research of Measuring Instrument for Tree Diameter Based on Ultrasonic Distance Measurement

  3. 定高树径测量仪通过液晶显示器向操作人员实时显示明确的文字提示信息和测量结果。

    Operators could get clear visual words operating information and measuring result on the apparatus 's LCD ( Liquid Crystal Display ) .

  4. 定高树径测量仪是基于单片机、超声波测距、条形码识别等多种技术而开发研制的在树木确定高度情况下进行测量树木直径的一种新型测量仪器。

    Trees 's fixed high diameter meter is a new kind measuring instrument , which bases on many kinds of technologies such as the one-chip computer , ultrasonic and bar code discerning .

  5. 本课题开发的定高树径测量仪是一种专用于测量树木直径的仪器,该仪器具有操作简单、测量精度高、一次作业存储数量大等特点。

    Tree 's Fixed High Diameter Measuring Apparatus in this thesis is one kind trees ' diameter measuring tool . The apparatus has characteristics of operation simply , high measuring accuracy , big memory quantity once work and so on .

  6. 由于树木的直径信息是进行树种生长特征分析、树径生长动态变化研究及树木材积调查中的重要基础信息,因此对实现树径信息自动读取和记录仪器的研究具有重要意义。

    As tree 's diameter is important basal information in growth characteristic or dynamic change analysis of standing trees and trees ' timber volume investigation , therefore the research of tools can realize and record trees ' diameter automatically has vital significance .

  7. 沙县杉木、马尾松、阔叶树地径一元材积表编制的研究

    Studies on the Compilation of One-Dimensional Volume Table for the Ground Diameter of Cunninghamia lanceolata , Pinus massoniana and Broad Leaved Trees in Shaxian County

  8. 芒果树在树径上撒着繁花,蜜蜂一只一只地嗡嗡飞来。

    The mango tree was shedding its flowers upon the village road , and the bees came humming one by one .

  9. 根据设计问题障碍树的最小径集,寻求多冲突问题求解的最佳途径和方案。

    According to the minimal path set of design obstacle tree , explore the best path and solutions for solving the multi-contradiction problem .

  10. 结果表明,梨属矮化砧木做中间砧,多数组合表现出树体干径细,高度低,发育枝短,但冠径较大。

    The results showed that with pear genus dwarf stocks , the most combinations ′ trunk diameter is thinner , tree height is lower , growth shoots length is shorter , but crown diameter is bigger .

  11. 根据树高、地径与施肥量建立的氮磷钾肥效模型分析结果表明,仅地径氮元素单元肥效模型的F检验显著。

    According to the model analysis built on the effect of nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium balanced application to tree height and ground diameter , only the F-test based on the model of ground diameter and nitrogen acts significantly . 2 .

  12. 求取故障树最小割(径)集的状态向量合成法

    State Vector Synthesis for Minimizing Cut and Path Sets of Fault Trees

  13. 月平均温度对树高和地径生长的影响较月平均降水量的大。

    The temperature has more important effect on the height growth than the rainfall .

  14. 树高、地径、种子性状均受一定的遗传控制。

    The height , width of tree and seed character is controlled by heritance .

  15. 该方法可以同时对树木的树高、树径、树冠进行测量。

    It can measure the height , diameter and crown of trees at the same time .

  16. 提出了基于图像分析技术计算立木树高、树径和材积的具体方法。

    Some methods for the calculating of the tree height , diameter and volume are presented based on image analysis .

  17. 3种覆土条件下,侧柏的树高、地径、冠幅、叶片长势和林相等指标均有显著差异。

    There were significant differences in tree height , basal diameter and canopy coverage of oriental arborvitae among three soil types .

  18. 在干石阳坡覆膜栽植,可提高成活率15%~20%,对树高、地径生长量无明显影响;

    Planting with film covering can raise survival rate by 15-20 % , and no remarkable effect to height and base diameter increment .

  19. 萌生苗个体间的生长势差异较大,但在相同立地条件下,其树高和地径的年平均生长量均明显高于同龄实生苗;

    Seedling sprouts grew varying , but the average increments of their height and basal diameter were evidently better than those of seedlings .

  20. 初步选择出3个优良种源,树高和地径遗传增益分别为1.54%~2.12%、4.70%~9.28%。

    Three provenances were selected , their genetic gain of height and base diameter was 1.54 % ~ 2.12 % ? 4.70 % ~ 9.28 % .

  21. 水分胁迫改变幼树树冠结构,抑制幼树树高、地径、叶片大小、地上和地下生物量;

    Under soil water stress , the crown structure changed , and the tree height , groundline diameter , single leaf area , and aboveground and belowground biomass were inhibited .

  22. 树高/冠径、干周、树冠体积、叶面积系数、总枝数与单株产量相关不显著。

    The height of tree / canopy diameter 、 the diameter of trunk 、 canopy volue 、 area coefficient of leaf and the amount of shoot had not obvious correlative relation .

  23. 其重要经济性状&生物量主要受树高、地径、叶重、叶数、萌条数和保存率等因子影响;

    The most important economic character , biological volume , is much influenced by height 、 diameter 、 leaf weight 、 leaf number 、 Shoot number 、 survival rate and so on .

  24. 容器苗造林效果好于裸根苗造林效果,幼林树高、地径、春梢长都明显好于裸根苗。

    The effect of afforestation of container seedling is better than bare root seedling , the height , diameter , spring tip growth of yong tree is better than the afforestation of bare root seedling .

  25. 将田间调查的杉木树高、地径与根桩密度进行相关分析证明杉木根桩保留在造林地上,不利于下一代杉木的生长。

    The correlation analysis between the density of Chinese fir stump-root and the tree height and base diameter ( BD ) of its saplings proved that Chinese fir stump-root s had a negative impact on the growth of the next generation of Chinese fir plantations .

  26. 幼苗枝下高与树高之间符合指数函数关系,而树高与基径之间符合幂函数关系。

    The relationship between stem height under branch and seedling height of the trees among the samples was exponential , and the relationship between seedling height and base diameter fits the power equation .