
  1. δ~(15)N标识技术对污水生物脱氮的试验研究

    Study of biological denitrification process using δ ~ ( 15 ) N identification technique

  2. A~2/O工艺污水生物脱氮特性分析与~(15)N标识技术试验研究

    A ~ 2 / O Craft Sewage Biological Denitrification Characteristic Analysis and Technological Experimental Study of ~( 15 ) N Identification

  3. 条码、RFID及EPC之间的关系辨析&物流信息标识技术的发展与物流革命

    The Relational Discrimination among Bar Code , RFID and EPC & The Development of Logistics Information Labeling Technology and Logistics Revolution

  4. MRI相位编码速度标识技术定量检测儿童二尖瓣反流:与超声心动图对比两种标准筛查儿童超重和肥胖的比较

    Velocity-encoded cine magnetic resonance imaging for quantification of mitral regurgitation in children : compared with echocardiography Comparison of detection rate of overweight and obesity in children by two different criteria

  5. 介绍了连铸大方坯数字化喷号机的合理机械结构,切割面喷号标识技术和PLC自动控制技术;

    The present paper introduces the appropriate mechanical structure of the digital type spraying marking machine used for the continuous casting bloom and its marked number identification technique and PLC automatic control technique .

  6. 本试验采用15N同位素标识技术对生物硝化及反硝化过程进行了研究。

    Laboratory experiment used 15N isotope identification technology to study the process of microbial nitrification and denitrification .

  7. 首先,在调研服装标识技术及RFID技术研究现状的基础上,提出了基于RFID技术的服装标识WEB管理系统,设计了系统的总体框架。

    Firstly , we make a survey on the current situation of both clothing identification techniques and RFID technology . Then we bring forward a RFID technology based WEB management system for clothing identification , and design a framework for the system .

  8. 因此本文以物联网中物品标识技术为出发点,结合物联网资源及寻址的独特性,提出一种新的编码结构UDC。

    According to the unique nature of resources and addressing in the IOT , a new encoding scheme , UDC , is proposed .

  9. 结果表明,用δ15N标识技术检测反硝化反应的定性定量关系行之有效;

    The results have demonstrated that the δ 15N based identification technique was beneficial for establishing quantitative relationships of the nitrogen compounds / biomass involved in both nitrification and denitrification reactions .

  10. 本文比较、分析了条码技术的局限性和RFID标识技术及其优越性,阐述了RFID与最新的EPC自动标识技术以及EAN-UCC标识体系之间的关系,辨析了这些概念和技术的区别与联系。

    This article comparatively analyzes the limitation of the bar code and the superiority of the RFID , elaborating the relations among RFID , EPC Auto ID , EAN-UCC marking system , discriminating the differences and relations among these concepts .

  11. 磁共振相位编码速度标识技术在儿童二尖瓣反流定量分析中应用

    Quantification of mitral regurgitation in children by velocity-encoded cine MR imaging

  12. 基于异构数据的刀具信息模型及标识技术

    The Identification and Modeling of Cutter Information Based on Isomerous Data

  13. 安全数据库隐蔽通道的标识技术与实例分析

    Logo Technology and Analysis Examples of Security Database Covert Channel

  14. 敏捷制造单元中的刀具标识技术研究

    Research for the Technology of Direct Tool Mark Identification in Agile Manufacturing Cell

  15. 太阳能警示标识技术在电力系统中的应用研究

    The Promotion and Application of Solar Power Alert Sign Technology in Power System

  16. 鲆鲽类产地溯源标识技术的建立。

    Identification technology of Flounder traceability is established .

  17. 国外基于射频标识技术的战场识别系统发展现状

    Current Developing Status of Foreign Battlefield Target Identification System Based on RF Tag Technology

  18. 面向数字化制造系统信息采集的刀具标识技术研究

    The Research of Direct Tool Marking and Identification for Information Gathering in Digital Manufacturing System

  19. 《民用建筑能效测评标识技术导则(试行)》的若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on some problems of " The civil energy efficiency labeling technology evaluation guidelines ( trial )"

  20. 一种基于荧光量子点标识技术的糖尿病易感基因通量筛选方法的基础研究

    Basic Study on the Method Based on Labelling Technology with Luminescent Quantum Dots for High Through-put Screening Susceptibility Genes in Diabetes

  21. 接着对个人健康信息共享建设的基础,即个人身份识别方法和标识技术进行了深入研究。

    Second , personal identification and identification technologies were investigated , which was the foundation of personal health information sharing construction .

  22. 并针对上述问题,提出了预编译与运行时编译结合的代码生成方式、动态代码插装、源断点标识技术等解决方案。

    Dynamic code instrumentation , combined with hybrid code generation and source breakpoint identification , provides a well-suited solution to those problems .

  23. 物流标识技术是为实现物品标识信息迅速、准确的采集而采用的自动识别技术。条码作为物流标识的载体存在的不足主要体现在:(1)信息容量小、必须依赖网络。

    Logistic Identification Technology is an automatic identifying technology in order to realize commodities ' identification information to be obtained quickly and accurately .

  24. 通过对可追溯系统概念的阐述,介绍可追溯系统的关键技术之一-标识技术的发展状况。

    The article elaborated the basic principle of traceability system , introduced identification technology development , which is one of the key technologies of traceability system .

  25. 服务标识技术包括将业务流程分解为活动和任务的技术,将通过这些活动和技术对现有的或将要开发的服务(及其操作)进行标识。

    Service identification techniques include the decomposition of business processes into activities and tasks from which existing or to-be-developed services ( and their operations ) are identified .

  26. 当他拿起一种纸巾时,系统会通过图像识别或者是标识技术,自动识别这种纸巾,

    And , as he picks up a product , the system can recognize the product that he 's picking up , using either image recognition or marker technology ,

  27. 对畜产品建立可追溯系统关键技术,动物标识技术、第三方认证、信息在食品供应链中的传递进行阐述。

    The key technology of traceable management for foods , including identification of livestock , quality assurance certification and information flow in the whole food supply , were demonstrated .

  28. 阐述了太阳能警示标识技术拓展应用到电力系统的可行性,分析了其主要技术性设计因素及系统实现原理。

    In this paper , we discuss the feasibility of solar alert sign technology applied to power systems , and analyze its key technical design factors and system implementation principles .

  29. 在比较分析现有标识技术的基础上,重点研究了刀具的直接标刻与自动识别技术,主要包括刀具编码、刀具标刻以及系统与条码扫描设备的集成。

    Based on the comparison of existing marking technologies , this dissertation strengthens study on the tool direct marking and identification technology , such as tool coding , tool marking and integration of scanner and system .

  30. LTE系统中,无线定位技术包括增强的小区标识定位技术、观测到达时间差定位技术,以及辅助的全球卫星导航系统定位技术。

    In LTE system , wireless positioning technology includes enhanced cell-ID positioning , observed time difference of arrival positioning , and assisted-GNSS positioning .