
  • 网络Standard properties;Standard Kind
  1. 另一方面,研究灰色预测算法的计算复杂性,基于Jordan标准形性质提出改进方案并证明能够有效减少计算时间与舍入误差,进而提高预测精度;

    Furthermore it introduces an approach on the base of the characteristic of the Jordan matrix to simplify the calculation , and still proves that the approach can reduce the time for calculation as well errors effectively , which can raise the precision of prediction greatly .

  2. 道德标准的性质和渊源;

    The Nature and Sources of Ethical Standards ;

  3. 公共图书馆用地与建设标准的性质、作用和特点

    " Land-Using " and " Construction " Standards for Public Library : Natures , Roles and Characteristics

  4. 在对电信市场的网络效果、转换成本以及标准经济性质分析的基础上,本文探讨厂商在私有协议、产业标准化和机构标准化竞争中采取的知识产权政策。

    On the basis of analysis to network effects , switch costs and economic natures of standard in ICT market , this paper primarily explores the intellectual property policies firms take in proprietary protocol , industrial standardization and institutional standardization competition .

  5. 由于SOA驱动因素(重用、敏捷、企业协调一致等)和促进因素(技术组件和标准)的性质,随着时间的推移生产服务很可能不断变化。

    Given the nature of SOA drivers ( reuse , agility , business alignment , etc ) and enablers ( technology components , standards ), it is natural to expect changes to production services over time .

  6. 本文根据群G和子群g的不可约表示基向量标准化的性质,提出了直接计算子群g的V系数和W系数的新方法。

    In terms of the standardization properties of the basic vectors in irreducible representations of group G and subgroup g , a new method for calculating directly the V and W coefficients of subgroup g has been put forward .

  7. 通过溶解度法研究了萘从水到水-叔丁醇(TBA)混合溶剂中的标准迁移热力学性质。

    Standard thermodynamic functions of transfer of naphthalene from water to H2O - t-butyl alcohol ( TBA ) mixtures were determined from the solubility measurements at different temperatures .

  8. 提出标准物理力学性质的试验结果。

    The result of the standard physical and mechanical properties tested was presented .

  9. 一类特殊广义标准分支的性质

    Properties of A kind of Generalized Standard Component

  10. 重要性原则在会计报表公允真实性审计中,是通过确定和运用重要性标准,即性质标准和金额标准来实现的。

    In Fair and Reality Audit the Important Principle Through Fix and Make Use of Important Standard ( Standard of Quality and Standard of Amount of Money ) to Realize It .

  11. 介绍了沥青混合料的组成结构、技术性能、技术标准、技术性质,提出了沥青混合料配合比设计方法。

    The text introduces the composed structure , technical characteristics , technical standard and technical property of asphalt mixture . And it also brings forward some mixture ratio designing methods of asphalt mixture .

  12. 经过研究发现,课程标准对课程性质、地位和作用、基本理念、总目标做了统一的描述,为课程设计的整体性和一致性奠定了基础。

    Through the research , it is found that the curriculum standard has made an unified description on the nature , the status and the role of the course , the basic concept , the overall goal and placed a solid foundation for the integrity and consistency of curriculum .

  13. 虽然3种改良剂均能降低土壤中有效态Cd以及糙米和秸秆中Cd的含量,使稻米质量符合国家食品卫生安全标准,但土壤性质的不同会影响改良剂的效果。

    In addition , all three amendments could decrease the content of Cd in brown rice , stalk and effective Cd content in soil , and make rice accord with the National Food Safety Standards .

  14. 结论:DNA含量、细胞面积及周长可做为卵巢上皮性、交界性、恶性肿瘤的诊断标准及确定肿瘤性质、估定恶性肿瘤预后的依据。

    There is a relationship between prognosis and ratio of S stage , heteroploid rate , index of cell proliferation . The diagnostic standard of junctional and malignant tumor is suggested by the use of DNA content , area and perimeter of nucleus .

  15. 对于任何不熟悉免费的开源版本控制系统(VCS)的人来说,Subversion开始成为一种标准的非商业性质的VCS,取代了旧的并发版本系统(ConcurrentVersionsSystem,CVS)。

    For anyone unfamiliar with free and open source version control systems ( VCSs ), Subversion has become the standard non-commercial VCS , replacing the old champ , Concurrent Versions System ( CVS ) .

  16. 其原因是,当应用Gauss-Hermite积分公式近似条件数学期望时并没有考虑到标准布朗运动的性质。

    The reason is that we apply Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule to approximate the conditional mathematical expectations with-out considering the properties of the standard Brownian motion .

  17. 高级加密标准的指数域性质

    Properties of AES on Exponential Domain

  18. 其次,讨论了非标准模型的简单性质,如传递性,布尔代数运算性质等。

    Secondly , some properties of nonstandard model are discussed , such as transitivity , Boolean properties , etc.

  19. 光线追踪材质的动态性质卷展栏中包含与标准材质的动态性质相同的控制。

    The Dynamics Properties rollout for the Raytrace material contains the same controls as the dynamics properties for a standard material .

  20. 他确信可能存在国家制定法律的标准,出现缺陷性质的法律正是因为它们完全地缺乏与伦理有关的内容。

    He is convinced that there may be norms enacted by the state which lack the quality of law because they are entirely devoid of ethical content .

  21. 通过论述证明标准的概念、性质,对证明标进行了简要介绍,分析了刑事诉讼证明标准的价值。

    Through discussing the standards of proof of concept , nature , proof according to are briefly introduced , analyzes the criminal proceedings the standards of proof of value .

  22. 对于一般民事案件,适用盖然性占优势的证明标准,而对于性质严重的重大和发生概率低的案件一般应适用高度盖然性证明标准。

    For the case of low occurrence rate and the important case , which the property is serious , we should adopt the standard of " high degree of probability " .

  23. 他们还迫使Facebook、Twitter和谷歌等社交网络签名支持监控网络仇恨言论的标准。相关标准目前属于自愿性质。

    They also have forced social networks like Facebook , Twitter and Google to sign up for voluntary - so far - standards to police hate speech online .

  24. 前项抽取样品之数量,由标准检验局依检验标准、商品性质或检验需求分别定之。

    The quantity of samples to be taken under the preceding paragraph shall be determined by the BSMI in accordance with the inspection standards , the nature of the products , or the inspection requirements .

  25. 第一部分首先论述了传统民法关于契约责任和侵权责任的区分标准,尤其着重探讨和反思了传统民法关于两大责任区分的核心标准&义务的性质和所保护的利益。

    There are four parts in the thesis , except the introduction : The first part discusses the standards to tell about tort liability from contractual liability in traditional civil law fundamental , which is the liability nature and protected benefits .

  26. 给出了非标准聚点的定义,并与标准聚点定义作了相应比较,讨论了非标准聚点的若干性质。

    Firstly gives a definition of nonstandard accumulation point closure , and then compares it with the standard accumulation point closure , some properties of nonstandard accumulation point closure are discussed .

  27. 现行食品安全标准法律体系存在如下问题:标准的含义与世界贸易组织关于标准的定义抵触;强制性标准的法律性质、效力来源与法律位阶不明;

    The present food safety legal system of standard in China has the following problems : the definition of standard goes against that of the World Trade Organization ;