
biāo bīng
  • model;pacesetter;example;pacemaker;parade guards;fugleman;pacesetter,pacemaker
标兵 [biāo bīng]
  • (1) [fugleman]∶一个受过训练的士兵,从前在操练时布置在一行士兵之前作为操练动作的示范

  • (2) [parade guards]∶阅兵场上用来标志界线的兵士;泛指群众集会中用来标志某种界线的人

  • (3) [example]∶倾向于或旨在使人们模仿或仿效的一个或一组典型人物

  • 树立标兵

  • (4) [model]∶被认为是值得仿效的人

  • (5) [pacesetter,pacemaker]∶带头或做出榜样的人物

  • 石油界的标兵

标兵[biāo bīng]
  1. 连续六年被评为“哈尔滨市开发区纳税标兵”;

    " Model of tax payment of Harbin Development Zone of Harbin municipality " for six consecutive years ;

  2. 医院连续被评为“全国卫生系统先进单位”、“北京市精神文明标兵单位”等荣誉;

    It won consecutively the title of " National Advanced Unit in Health System "," Beijing Model Unit for Advance Culture and Ideology ";

  3. 当标兵不是我们自选的,是大家选我们当。

    We don 't choose to be role models , we are chosen .

  4. 她被看成全公司的标兵。

    She is considered a pace-setter in the corporation .

  5. 他是学生标兵的候选人之一。

    He is a candidate for school captain .

  6. 通过玩弄全球善良的公民,欧洲试图成为世界的标兵。

    By playing the good global citizen , Europe aims to become the world 's pacesetter .

  7. 这个4万7千亿美元的经济体,简直就是世界的发电机,通向未来之路上的标兵。

    This $ 4.7 trillion economy , it seems , is the world 's dynamo and the prototype for the future .

  8. 肇东市作为全国粮食生产先进县标兵,应该竭尽所能、继续做出积极贡献。

    The Zhaodong city , as the national food production advanced counties pacesetter should try its best to contribute to the project actively .

  9. 他被选来完成这个特别任务,不是因为他是模范标兵,而是他说得一口好英语。

    He had been selected for this particular assignment , not because of his exemplar rank , but that he spoke the best English .

  10. 严把教师资格证关,严格要求教师工作用语,使校园成为推普的重要阵地和标兵。

    Making strict checks on the teacher qualification credential and requiring teachers to use the working language so that the gardens become the fronts of popularization of putonghua ;

  11. 我多次被农业局评为先进工作者,2002年被评为新化县三农服务标兵。

    I am for many times been an advanced worker by select in the agriculture bureau , in2002 selected for turned a county three agriculture service parade guardses lately .

  12. 2009年度还获得“中央国家机关文明单位标兵”及北京市“十佳版权单位”称号。

    In2009 , it was recognized as the " Civilized Pacesetter of the State Organs " as well as " Top10 Copy Right Unit " by the Beijing municipal .

  13. 以我的体会而言,社会与文化的因素推动着学校教育涉及了多个领域,朝着多元化发展;包括文明,性别身份,权力角色,班级标兵和社会标兵。

    In my experience , moreover , sociocultural factors affect schooling in a variety of areas , including culture , gender identities , power roles , class markers and social markers .

  14. 如果由我来判定一个篮球运动员是否是个好标兵,我想知道的是:他在球场以外给人们的生活带来了积极影响吗?

    If I were deciding whether a basketball player was a positive role model , I would want to know : Does he influence people 's lives in a positive way away from the court ?

  15. 一如预期,年轻的Y代人(1981年后出生)是“移动无处不在”行动的标兵,91%的年轻一代表示会在厕所里使用手机。

    As expected , Gen Y respondents are the pacesetters in the " mobile everywhere " movement , with 91 percent using their phone in the bathroom . Still , older generations are not far behind .