
shān ɡé shù jù
  • raster data
  1. 基于游程编码的GIS栅格数据矢量化方法

    Approach of Vectorization for GIS Raster Data Based on Run-length Encoding System

  2. GIS中栅格数据存储管理的研究与实现

    Research and realization of raster data storage management in GIS

  3. 基于GIS栅格数据的洪水风险动态模拟模型及其应用

    GIS raster data-based dynamic flood risk simulation model and its application

  4. GIS中矢量与栅格数据模型比较

    A comparison of vector and gridded data pattern by GIS

  5. GIS中海量栅格数据的处理技术研究

    Research on Massive Grid Data Treatment Techniques in GIS

  6. 该模型不仅可以应用于矢量格式的GIS数据,也可应用于栅格数据。

    The model can be applied to vector and raster data of GIS .

  7. GIS中栅格数据时空数据模型及其应用的研究

    The Study of the Raster Data Spatio-Temporal Data Model in GIS and Its Application

  8. 应用程序使用两种不同的数据结构存储GIS数据:栅格数据和矢量数据。

    Applications store GIS data using two distinct data structures : raster data and vector data .

  9. GIS栅格数据在Oracle中的存储研究

    Research of GIS Raster Data Storage Based on Oracle

  10. 伴随计算机软硬件水平的不断提升,栅格数据在GIS应用项目中必将起到越来越重要的作用。

    With the development of computer software and hardware , raster data will run a more important role in GIS project .

  11. 该算法的另一特点是,对矢量和栅格数据具有同样的适用性,较易在矢栅混合型GIS上实现。

    Another characteristic of this arithmetic is that it is easily applicable for both of vector and grid data format of GIS .

  12. 运用GIS栅格数据格式建立淹没区内离散的高程数据,最后根据体积法原理,计算出洪水淹没区水深和淹没范围。

    Based on the calculated result , the water depth distribution and flooded region were computed by the principle of volumetric method .

  13. 为界定城市轨道交通站点的客流辐射区域,提出基于栅格数据的GIS缓冲区算法。

    A raster-based GIS buffer algorithm is proposed for delimiting the radiation service areas of passenger flow at urban mass transit stations .

  14. 基于Oracle10gSpatial的空间栅格数据的存储与管理

    Storage and Management of Spatial Raster Data Based on Oracle 10g Spatial

  15. 以栅格数据的数字高程模型(DEM)为基础,研究DEM对空间数据的存储格式,水文分析和地形分析算法。

    Study the spatial data model , hydrological analysis and terrain analysis based on DEM .

  16. 栅格数据在GIS中的应用日益广泛,已成为GIS中不可缺少的数据来源。

    The raster data is widespread in the GIS application day by day , and it has also become an indispensable data source in GIS .

  17. 在实验中给出了一个比较典型的对栅格数据进行存储和管理的操作示例。基于游程编码的GIS栅格数据矢量化方法

    A typical example of storage and management of raster data is demonstrated . Approach of Vectorization for GIS Raster Data Based on Run-length Encoding System

  18. 一种基于ERDASIMAGINE的80坐标系栅格数据投影变换方法

    An 80 Coordinate System Raster Data Projection Transform Approach Based on ERDAS IMAGINE

  19. 扩展现有的GIS水文分析和三维建模功能,实现基于栅格数据的边坡单元自动划分和有限差分网格的自动生成。

    Extent the existing functions of spatial analysis and hydrological analysis , and it is accomplished that slope units and finite difference meshs are divided automatically .

  20. 当前GIS中矢量数据的投影变换已日趋成熟,而栅格数据的投影变换的研究与应用还需要进一步的深入。

    Map projection transformation of vector data is becoming mature presently , but research and application of raster data projection transformation in GIS needs further efforts .

  21. 文章采用栅格数据模型,运用面积权重法和反距离加权法对GDP值进行了空间拓展。

    Using the areal weighting interpolation and inverse distance weighted averaging , a spatial distribution model of GDP is established in this paper .

  22. 首先对GIS中的栅格数据矢量化技术进行了概述;

    This paper first introduces the vectorization technique of grid data in GIS , then proposes a new vectorization method based on grid technique for GIS application .

  23. 随着栅格数据的不断获取和广泛应用,海量栅格数据管理技术逐渐成为了当前GIS领域研究的热点问题之一。

    Along with the unceasing gain and popular use of raster data , the technology in raster data management has become one of the hotspots in GIS research .

  24. GIS中矢量与栅格数据相互转换方法研究入世后中国人力资源开发面临的机遇与挑战

    RESEARCH FOR DATA TRANSFORMATION METHODS BETWEEN RAFTER STRUCTURE AND VECTOR STRUCTURE IN GIS The Opportunity and Challenge of the Chinese Human Resource Development Rafter China 's Entry of WTO

  25. 以GIS栅格数据为基础,建立了二维水动力洪水动态演进模型。

    A 2-D dynamic flood evolution model was established based on GIS raster data , and a case study was performed for Jingjiang flood diversion area of Hubei Province .

  26. MapInfo是地理信息系统的一个应用开发平台,屏幕数字化是把栅格数据变成矢量数据的一种方法。

    Map Info is a GIS developing platform for application , and the screen digitalization is one of methods which changing raster data into vector data .

  27. 嵌入式设备无处不在,嵌入式GIS广泛应用于各个领域,栅格数据则成为嵌入式GIS最重要的数据源之一。

    Embedded equipment exists everywhere , embedded GIS is widely applied at various fields , and then , raster data become one of the most important data sources of embedded GIS .

  28. 地理信息系统的发展与空间数据结构的优化密不可分,栅格数据与矢量数据之间的高效转换是GIS的关键技术之一。

    The development of GIS is closely related to the optimization of spatial data structure . The efficient mutual conversion between vector and raster data is one of the key technologies in GIS .

  29. 作为空间栅格数据之一的遥感数据,是GIS系统中重要的信息源,而遥感分类图是遥感图像的一种特殊形式。

    Remote sensing data is one of the important source of information in GIS system and remote sensing applications . Remote sensing classification map is a special type of the commonly used remote sensing data .

  30. 方法将遥感资料通过ERDASIMAGE8.4软件将其转换为能够分析的栅格数据。

    Methods To transform satellite data into raster deta through ERDAS IMAGE 8.4 software .