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  1. 大量运用中国文化典故,既说明柳梦寅熟悉并热爱中国文化,也表现了他不甘被埋没而努力炫耀才华的心理。

    Liu Mengyin put so many allusions in his prose not only because he loved Chinese culture , but also because he wanted to display his talent .

  2. 朝鲜著名作家柳梦寅热爱中国传统文化,熟悉其中的各类语典和事典,并以正用、反用、明用、暗用、单用、叠用等各种形式将这些典故引入自己的散文。

    Liu Mengyin was a Korean famous writer , he loved Chinese culture and accumulated many Chinese culture words and stories and put them in his prose by all kinds of ways .