- colonnade;portico;porticus;antium

[colonnade] 按一定间距安排的一系列或一排柱子,柱上常有额枋,有时还带附属部分(如铺砌地面、台基或屋顶)
A large portico provides a suitably impressive entrance to the chapel .
Sebastian had been supine on the sunny seat in the colonnade , as he was now .
Stoas lined marketplaces and sanctuaries and formed places of Business and public promenades .
You can understand then that Four Seasons , the Canadian hotel management company that oversaw the rebuild and now operates the hotel ( and whose name appears in rather smaller Roman type above the colonnaded portico ), has had a tough time .
You can understand then that Four Seasons , the Canadian hotel management company that oversaw the rebuild and now operates the hotel ( and whose name appears in rather smaller Roman type above the colonnaded portico ) , has had a tough time .
In 2014 , the faithful can also enjoy the fruits of restorations that have taken years , like that of Bernini 's colonnade in St. Peter 's Square and the reopening of the Via Triumphalis necropolis , a vast ancient Roman cemetery first uncovered in the 1950s .
The walk ends up at the reconstructed Stoa of Attalos in the ancient Agora .
A structure composed of columns placed at regular intervals .
Facing the lake was a little inn with its pillared veranda .
The colonnaded temples of ancient Greece are famous .
This colonnade will take you out of the palace and the game .
Greek houses included a walled court or garden usually surrounded by a colonnade .
Construction of Dry-hung Granite Finishing Column Gallery
A courtyard or portico in front of a building ( especially a cathedral ) .
Part of illuminated colonnade ruin with Qala 't ibn Maan ( castle ) on the hilltop behind .
A porch or walkway bordered by colonnades . A structure composed of columns placed at regular intervals .
Here they all went ashore and were royally feasted in a low , pillared house overlooking the bay .
through a classical , almost familiar building type , like the Parthenon or the colonnade at the Vatican .
Muslim architecture style mainly consists of overall space arrangement , application of colonnade and arch , and detailed decorations etc.
But its unique style comes from The Rows , the famous galleried structures that fringe the city 's main streets .
The forecourt of a building , such as an early Christian church , enclosed on three or four sides with porticoes .
It was sculptor Bernini 's genius to create the two embracing semicircles of gigantic columns that seem to welcome you into the heart of Christianity .
" Portico Colonnaded porch or entrance to a structure , or a covered walkway supported by regularly spaced columns . " A post supporting a street lamp .
Colonnade is a kind of lively architectural component , and it is used in all kinds of buildings , building groups and urban spaces in various configurations .
While waiting in the floodlit colonnade of the mansion for his car , Hagen saw two women about to enter a long limousine already parked in the driveway .
We saw the Red Mosque where the siege had taken place , the wide , wide Constitution Avenue leading to the white-colonnaded buildings of the Parliament House and the Presidency , where Zardari now lived .
Stoa : In Greek architecture , a freestanding colonnade or covered walkway ; also , a long open Building with its roof supported by one or more rows of columns parallel to its rear wall .
Learning from the Colonnaded courtyards of ancient Greece and the Terrace garden of Italian style to the private gardens with the Chinese brushwork freehand of south China , we understand people are always seeking outstanding external environment of habitations .
Walking under lofty Ionic colonnades , looking up toward a horizon that was cut off by pure and noble lines , finding reflections of his transfigured shape in the shining marble at his side , and all around him solemnly striding or delicately moving human beings ,
Having a prostyle or set of columns at each end but none along the sides . He made a colonnade fifty cubits long and thirty wide . In front of it was a portico , and in front of that were pillars and an overhanging roof .