
chá yàn
  • Inspection;check;examine
查验 [chá yàn]
  • [examine;check] 检查验明

  • 查验证件

查验[chá yàn]
  1. 现在已经有用于iPad甚至安卓版本的商务软件了,但你必须先进行查验。

    There are now iPad and even Android versions of business software , but you have to check first .

  2. 数据取证组已经很努力的查验服务器了。

    Digital forensics team is trying hard to check the home server .

  3. 在经过护照查验卡时,我被叫住了。

    I was stopped as I went through passport control .

  4. 请在检票处出示票以备查验。

    Show your ticket at the barrier .

  5. 出入境人员应接受口岸检察机关的查验。

    All those entering and leaving the country shall submit to inspection at the port .

  6. 海关凭原入境申报单查验放行。

    Customs clearance shall be based on inspection of the original declaration made at the time of entry .

  7. 通知还明确:在低风险地区,除特殊场所和特殊人员外,一般不应查验“健康码”。

    In low-risk areas , apart from key locations and personnel , the verification of health codes is not compulsory .

  8. 执行任务的公安人员在查验公民的居民身份证时,应当出示自己的工作证件。

    When on-duty public security personnel examine citizens ' resident identity cards , they shall produce their own service cards .

  9. 国内低风险地区人员进京不再查验核酸阴性证明;

    Those from domestic low-risk areas do not have to provide negative nucleic acid test result while arriving in Beijing ;

  10. 1.billofentry报关单(进出口货物清单、报海关查验)他们正在为海关准备报关单。

    They are preparing a bill of entry for customs .

  11. 如果需要查验配置文件修改后的效果,就需要重启Web容器,而频繁的重启Web容器是一件既费时又麻烦的事情。

    If test is needed after modification , you must reset web container , which is troubled and footle .

  12. 一种查验身份的(K,N)TCSS系统

    A ( K.N ) TCSS System for Identifying the Identity

  13. 应用HACCP系统查验瓶装矿泉水不合格成因实例分析

    Analysis of Causes of unqualified Mineral Water with HACCP Method

  14. TCT查验子宫颈涂片中HPV感染的研究

    Detection of HPV infection in cervical Pap smears by TCT test

  15. 昨天中国国家媒体援引中国互联网协会(internetsocietyofchina)秘书长黄澄清的话,列举了系统查验身份、确保博客服务机构保护数据隐私的种种困难。

    Yesterday , state media quoted Huang dengqing , general secretary of the Internet Society of China , as citing difficulties in setting up systems to verify identities and to ensure blog hosts maintained data privacy .

  16. 介绍了60Co铁路货车检测系统中查验站软件的设计思路与实现方法。

    This paper illustrates design and realization of the review station software of 60 Co train inspection system ( TCT SCAN ) .

  17. 我的向导是斯蒂夫•诺里斯(SteveNorris),他是当地旅行社TripsandTramps的负责人,又是不拿报酬的白鼬陷阱查验员。

    I was guided by Steve Norris , who runs local tour operator Trips and Tramps , and is also an unpaid checker of stoat traps .

  18. 为此发行,所有档案均经仔细查验,在确认合乎最新TEI指南(P5版本)的状况下予以更新。

    For this release , the files have been thoroughly checked and updated to confirm to the latest version of the TEI Guidelines ( P5 ) .

  19. 亦即当开发人员将私有分支的内容整合回团队的分支后,QA要尽快查验,只有符合品质标准之后才能继续往上整合。

    That is , as soon as a developer merges their private branch with their team branch , QA gets to look at it and they only merge it up if it meets their quality bar .

  20. 本结果证明了dCAPS分子标记可以在口岸查验上应用。

    This result supported that dCAPS molecular markers can be used in port inspection .

  21. 查验每一项任务是否完成,然后把它勾掉,能给您一种强烈的满足感。

    Checking off each item provides a great sense of fulfillment .

  22. 海关认为必要时,可以查验过境、转运和通运货物。

    Where deemed necessary , the Customs may examine such goods .

  23. 他和人们交流并查验证据。

    And he talked to people and he examined the evidence .

  24. 查验尺寸检查报告,并核实关键尺寸。

    Review the dimensional check reports and take the key dimensional check .

  25. 入境查验官:那你会在旧金山待多久?

    I : And how long will you be in San Francisco ?

  26. 校准与查验结果的记录,要予以保留。

    Records of the results of calibration and verification shall be maintained .

  27. 给我们有机会来查验我们学习的如何。

    They give us a chance to check out what we have learned .

  28. 入境查验官:请出示护照和出境登记卡。

    I : Passport and embarkation card , please .

  29. 查验民警确认机动车后出具的《机动车查验记录表》。

    Vehicle inspection record form issued by the police after the car inspection .

  30. 请准备护照入境查验。

    Please have your passport ready for the immigration .