
  • 网络blueing
  1. 这块布是用靛青染蓝的。

    This cloth was dyed blue with Chinese indigo .

  2. 我的白衣服被染蓝了。

    My white dress was dyed blue .

  3. 虽然是蓝头发把我带到了约翰身边,但他明确地要求我别再把头发染蓝。

    And despite the fact the blue hair led me to John , he has explicitly asked me not to dye my hair blue again .

  4. 两步法花岗岩染(蓝)色

    The blue dyeing of granite by two-step-dyed method

  5. 虽然他能轻而易举地嗅出染着蓝发的格里夫和小格里夫背后的真相,杨恩德里和伊西拉看起来也就是他们说的那样,而鸭子也差不多。

    He had sniffed out the truth beneath the dyed blue hair of Griff and Young Griff easily enough , and Yandry and Ysilla seemed to be no more than they claimed to be , whilst Duck was somewhat less .

  6. 我们不穿校服运动服只穿“白大线”染青染蓝的衣衫,很羡慕公社书记身上的涤卡布中山服。

    We do not wear uniforms sportswear wearing " big white line " blue dye green dye clothes , it is the envy of the commune secretary of the body wash cabo Zhongshan Fu .

  7. 胼胝质的染剂是苯胺蓝,间苯二酚蓝和玫红酸。

    Callose stains are aniline blue , resorcin blue and rosolic acid .

  8. 农业部星期四说,些猪染上了猪蓝耳病变异病毒,并警告说,这种病在炎热的夏季有可能扩散。

    The ministry said Thursday the hogs were infected with a strain of blue-eared pig disease , and warned the illness could spread during hotter summer weather .