
rǎn sè tǐ duān lì
  • chromosome telomere
  1. 元胞自动机中染色体端粒的动力学方程

    Dynamical equation of chromosome telomere in cellular automata

  2. HeLa细胞染色体端粒DNA与核骨架的特异性结合

    Specific Attachment of Telomeric DNA to Nuclear Matrix in Hela Cells

  3. 皮肤光老化机制研究&紫外线照射对成纤维细胞染色体端粒DNA复制的影响

    Investigation of Skin Photoaging Mechanisms-Influences of Ultraviolet Irradiation on the Telomere Length of Chromosome in Primary Cultured Human Fibroblast

  4. 你可能对基因的组成部分不太了解,所以我简单介绍一下,染色体端粒是DNA链条末端的小帽子。

    If you are unfamiliar with the componentry of your genes , telomeres are the tiny caps on the ends of DNA strands .

  5. 为了评估女性染色体端粒的长度,研究小组抽取了唾液样本以及脸颊内侧的DNA样本。

    To assess the length of the women 's telomeres the team took saliva samples and DNA swabs from the inside of the cheek .

  6. 为了找到生育孩子的数量与生理衰老速度的关系,研究小组同样研究了每位女性染色体端粒的长度,每个DNA链末端发现的用来显示细胞如何衰老的保护提示。研究发现,细胞越长,越有助于延年益寿。

    To find a link between number of children and the rate of biological aging , the team also looked at the length of each woman 's telomeres , the protective tips found at the end of each DNA strand that indicate how cells are aging . The longer the cells , the better it is for aging and longevity .

  7. 人肺癌染色体端粒联合的比较观察

    Comparison and observation on chromosome telomeric associations in human lung cancer

  8. 染色体端粒的长度,一般会随著生物体年龄的增加而变短或受损。

    Telomeres normally shorten or are damaged as an organism ages .

  9. 染色体端粒的缺失表达在头颈部磷癌的意义

    Telomeric loss in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas

  10. 鼻咽癌染色体端粒长度变化的研究

    Changes of Telomere Length in Human Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

  11. 在正常人体细胞中,端粒可随着细胞分裂而逐渐缩短,随着分裂次数增加,分裂多次的细胞染色体端粒越来越短。

    In normal human cells , the telomere would be gradually shorten with cell division .

  12. 锁阳多糖对D-半乳糖衰老小鼠血细胞和脑细胞染色体端粒长度的影响

    Effect of Cynomorium songaricum polysaccharide on telomere length in blood and brain of D-galactose-induced senescence mice

  13. 目的探讨恶性肿瘤染色体端粒行为异常与癌变发生的关系。方法粒端联合采用微量全血培养法制备淋巴细胞染色体;

    Objective Exploration of the relationship between the behavioral abnormality of chromosomal telomeres in malignant neoplasm 's and the carcinogenesis .

  14. 格蕾德告诉我们,细胞分裂时染色体端粒会发生降解。

    Greider explained that , when cells divide , a little material gets sheared off the ends of the chromosomes .

  15. 近年发现染色体端粒的存在于染色体顶端的物质。

    In recent years , found that the telomeres of chromosomes present in the chromosome at the top of the material .

  16. 科学家们对这个实验最感兴趣的是,这些改变是否会影响人们的染色体端粒。

    In particular , with this experiment , the scientists were interested in whether changes in sedentary time would affect people 's telomeres .

  17. 在观察染色体端粒的长度与孩子数量的第一项研究中,结果表明,女性生下的孩子、并且能够活下来的越多,她们的染色体端粒就越长,这便与这样的理论相悖,即生育的孩子较多将加速生理的衰老。

    In the first study to look at a direct link between the length of telomeres and the number of children , the results showed that the women who gave birth to more surviving children had longer telomeres , going against the theory that producing a larger number of offspring speeds up biological aging .

  18. 目的:端粒酶是一种核糖核蛋白复合物,能以自身RNA成分为模板催化染色体末端端粒重复序列的延伸,使细胞得以持续增殖甚至永生化。

    Objective : Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex that synthesizes telomeric DNA onto chromosome ends using its RNA component as template , enabling extension of cell lifespan and even immortalization .

  19. 端粒酶维持线形染色体的端粒末端结构的完整性,防止染色体的缩短及与其它染色体的融合。

    Telomerase maintains the telomeric ends of linear chromosomes and protects them from degradation and end-to-end fusion .

  20. 端粒酶是一种核蛋白复合物,具有维持和延长真核细胞染色体末端端粒结构、调节细胞增殖潜能和寿命的功能。

    Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex that extends telomerases of eukaryotic chromosomes , cell replicative potential and lifespan .

  21. 端粒酶是核糖核蛋白复合体,其丰要功能是增加染色体末端端粒的不断重复以维护它的稳定性和细胞的恶性增殖。

    Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex whose function is to add telomere repeats to chromosomal ends to make its stable and cell immortalization .

  22. 最近研究显示LDM可引起肿瘤细胞染色体畸变及端粒功能异常。

    Recent study displayed the chromosomal aberrations and telomere dysfunction induced by LDM .

  23. 位于真核生物细胞染色体末端的端粒可以稳定染色体,而由RNA和蛋白质组成的端粒酶以自身RNA为模板合成端粒。

    Telomeres at chromosome ends in eukaryotes stable the chromosome . Telomerase , an RNA-protein complex , adds multiple telomeric repeats to its 3-prime end by using RNA component as template .

  24. 对水稻第4号染色体长臂近端粒区一个过氧化物酶基因簇的结构分析

    Structural Analysis of a Gene Cluster Encoding Two Cationic and Three Anionic Peroxidases from Rice Chromosome 4

  25. 染色体末端的端粒对于细胞基因组的遗传稳定性至关重要。

    The ends of chromosomes , the telomers , are important for the genetic stability of our cells .

  26. 细胞的衰老与死亡和细胞核的染色体末端&端粒有密切的关系。

    Telomere , which defines the ends of chromosome , has close relationship with cell senescence and apoptosis .

  27. 水稻第六染色体长臂亚端粒区遗传图与物理图的整合

    Integration of the Genetic Map and the Physical Map of the Subterminal Region on the Longer Arm of Rice Chromosome 6

  28. 强调了生理功能和其它寿命指数应该比染色体中的端粒更能代表动物的真正年龄。

    An importance of considering various physiological functions and other aging related indexes rather than possible shortening of telomeres of chromosomes was stressed and elaborated .

  29. 这就是盖住染色体各端的端粒结构的功能。

    This is the role of structures called telomeres that cap the ends of chromosomes .

  30. 而组成染色体未端的端粒结构的维持与细胞的增殖能力密切相关。

    The telomere structure and composition of chromosome end is closely related to cell in the maintenance and proliferation .