
  • 网络Platonic
  1. 她珍惜自己和克里斯之间长达10年的柏拉图式的友情。

    She values the platonic friendship she has had with Chris for ten years .

  2. 柏拉图式的爱情,在现实世界里到底可能吗?

    Can Platonic love really exist in real life ?

  3. 他们的友情是基于柏拉图式的爱情。

    Their friendship is based on platonic love .

  4. “朋友区间”指的是两个人之间的柏拉图式的友谊,其中一个人希望能和对方发展出浪漫恋情。

    Friend Zone is a platonic1 friendship between two people one of whom wants the relationship to be romantic .

  5. 但是新研究显示,约三分之二的夫妇或情侣是从朋友开始做起的,在碰撞出爱情火花之前维持了很长一段时间的柏拉图式的关系。

    But new research suggests roughly two-thirds of couples start out as friends and maintain a platonic2 relationship for long periods before sparking a romance .

  6. 斯廷森表示,柏拉图式的关系如何转变为爱情,以及朋友和恋人之间的分界线究竟在哪里,仍然是未解的难题。

    How does a platonic relationship turn romantic and what really is the distinction between friends and lovers is a question that is still being unpicked , Stinson said .

  7. 我理想中的评估要简单得多,它是那种柏拉图式的形式,就像《办公室》(theoffice)故事梗概中描述的那样。

    My ideal appraisal is far simpler , and its Platonic form is described by a sketch fromthe office .

  8. 萨哈伽尔女士向电影制作公司workingtitle发出呼吁,要求将这种关系描绘成尼赫鲁家族一直坚持认为的、有品位的柏拉图式爱情,而不要描绘成一种性关系。

    She appealed to working title , the film production company , to depict what the Nehru family has insisted was a Platonic love affair with taste and not to depict it as a sexual relationship .

  9. “Bromance”指的是亲密的柏拉图式的友情。

    " Bromance " means a close platonic friendship .

  10. 所以我在测试了8和8Plus近一个星期之后,得出了这样的结论:8s感觉像一首天鹅之歌。换句话说,它们代表了苹果的第一代iPhone的柏拉图式理想,是永恒隐退之前的最终精炼。

    So here 's my conclusion , after nearly a week testing the 8 and 8 Plus : The 8s feel like a swan song - or , to put it another way , they represent Apple 's platonic ideal of that first iPhone , an ultimate refinement before eternal retirement .

  11. Meara认为柏拉图式的爱情的确存在。有一份发表在《社会及个人关系杂志》上对二十对男女朋友进行的研究则给这一观点带去了可信度。

    Platonic love does exist , O'Meara asserted , and a study of20 pairs of friends published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships lends credence to the notion .

  12. 你相信男女之间能存在柏拉图式的爱情吗?

    Do you believe men and women can be platonic friends ?

  13. 但这种爱情是无实质内容的,是柏拉图式的精神之恋。

    This kind of love has no substance , is just spiritual .

  14. 我向你保证,我们的友情纯粹是柏拉图式的。

    I assure you , our friendship is purely platonic .

  15. 那么,究竟什么是柏拉图式的爱情呢?

    Then , what is Plato type love on earth ?

  16. 关于完美的人类灵魂,他有某种异乎寻常的柏拉图式的观念。

    He had some extraordinary Platonic notion of the perfect human soul .

  17. 我可以我保证我们的关系是柏拉图式的。

    I can assure you our relationship is purely platonic .

  18. 网站创始人罗森堡说这项服务是完全柏拉图式的。

    Scott Rosenbaum who founded the service said his website is strictly platonic .

  19. 你确定我们俩除了柏拉图式的友谊以外还有别的可能吗?

    Are you sure you don 't see anything non-platonic every crystallizing between us ?

  20. 这有点像柏拉图式的异性友谊。

    This is somewhat like platonic cross-sex friendships .

  21. 用户既可以在网站上约网友见面,也可以寻找一个柏拉图式的“饭搭子”。

    Users can use it to find a casual date or a Platonic meal partner .

  22. 对于单身族来说,柏拉图式的友谊可以是有价值的也可以是充满压力的。

    For singles , platonic friendships can both be more valuable and more fraught with stress .

  23. 一些人愿意做忠诚度测试,特别是两者之间关系已经不再是纯粹的柏拉图式的关系。

    Some people engineer fidelity checks , especially if the relationship has already strayed beyond the platonic .

  24. 然而,这种柏拉图式的共处可能只是表面现象。

    However , the possibility remains that this apparently platonic coexistence is merely a fa ç ade .

  25. 在很多角度看来《克里托篇》于某些方面,是柏拉图式的敬神对话。

    In many ways , the Crito , in some respect , is the platonic dialogue about piety .

  26. 你的爱情生活充满神秘色彩,或者全然听天由命,或者追求柏拉图式的意境。

    Your love life is full of mystery , or completely fatalistic , or the pursuit of Platonic conception .

  27. 我们看到苏格拉底自辩的对象,其它柏拉图式语录的听众人数,根本与其无法匹敌。

    We see Socrates addressing , the only time in any platonic dialogue , an audience of this size .

  28. 柏拉图式爱情辨正&基于对《会饮篇》的文本解读

    A Critical Study of " Platonic Love " & Based on the Interpretation of the Text " Symposium "

  29. 一些人愿意做“忠诚度测试”,特别是两者之间关系已经不再是纯粹的柏拉图式的关系。

    Some people engineer " fidelity checks , " especially if the relationship has already strayed beyond the platonic .

  30. 笑声发出的是一种渴求与你建立关系的信号,不管此种关系是柏拉图式的还是浪漫的。

    Laughter serves as a way of signaling a desire for a relationship , be it platonic or romantic .