- stalk cell

The peltate hairs were composed of one base cell , one stalk cell and a head of eight to twelve secreting-cells .
Results show that nectaries are distributed in both leaves and flowers , moreover , the structure of all nectaries are similar which are generally composed of secretory cell , stalk cell , foot cell , and subgland ;
However , the formation of stalk cells is a process of cell death .
While the multi-cell salt gland consists of a collecting cell , a handle cell and several secreting cells .
A chemotactic aggregation of ~ 10 ~ 5 cells leads to the formation of a multicellular organism . Cell-type differentiation and sorting result in a small number of defined cell types organized along an anteroposterior axis .
The glandular hairs are formed by second successive periclinal divisions of the initial cell , and because of the different meristematic state of the stalk cells and apical cells , they developed into two types , capitate and peltate .
Morphology of the apoptosis and cell differentiation during Dictyostelium discoideum development
Control of cellular differentiation and cell proportion in Dictyostelium discoideum
The positive cells increased after perforation in the annulus and handle of malleus region , but no immunostaining cells were found at the edge of perforation .
Germinoma and Rathke cleft cyst were original in pituitary stalk and had different MR signal .
Classification of Haemocytes in Styela clava by Flow Cytometry and Histology Method
One which was visible by bare eyes was the longer glandular hair , and was composed of more than 15 petiole cells and unicellular head .
Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the infundibulum in adult : a case report
Further studies showed that deer antler regeneration is taking place from pedicle periosteum , and it is based on stem cell regeneration process , which depends on the activation of the stem cell on the distal of pedicle periosteum periodicity .
Study on the Effect of Mitochondria and Cytochrome c during Dictyostelium Discoideum Apoptosis
Numbers and the differentiation speed of tissues and cells of fruit stalks at different stages during seed development in litchi were observed by means of comparative anatomy .
Leaves with dense long stalk dendroid trichome , long stalk forked trachoma and long stalk trichome with big glandular cells were resistance to the disease .