
xiāo xiónɡ
  • an ambitious person;fierce and ambitious person
枭雄 [xiāo xióng]
  • [a fierce and ambitious person;formidable man] 骁悍雄杰之人,犹言雄长,魁首,多指强横而有野心之人

  • 争为枭雄。--陈琳《檄吴将校部曲文》

  • 备乃世之枭雄。--《三国演义》

  1. 在《星海枭雄》中,你则扮演战争中独立印地的一方。

    In Defiance you are playing the Indie Side of the conflict .

  2. 科比也从英雄变成了站不住脚跟的“枭雄”。

    And Kobe went from hero to heel .

  3. 伟大的荣光等待着他们去获取,不世的枭雄等待着他们去创造。

    Great honour is there for the taking and great heroes to be made .

  4. 人们普遍认为,乱世出枭雄,领导者就该是敢想敢做的冒险分子。真的是这样吗?

    Do turbulent times call for bold and risk-loving leaders , as so many people think ?

  5. 首先,作为一代枭雄的刘备,并不具有军事上的才华。

    First of all , as a fierce and ambitious generation of Liu Bei , does not have military talent .

  6. 萨拉龙加是那个暴力血腥年代中的一位传奇枭雄,在当时的封建制度和艰苦的生活环境下,人们为生存而苦苦挣扎。

    Serrallonga is the story of a bandit who becomes a legend in a violent and brutal age , when fighting for survival was the only concern of people who were enslaved by hunger and feudal structures .
