
shū jī
  • cardinal;hinge ;mainspring;a vital element; a key government post or office
枢机 [shū jī]
  • (1) [important department]∶指朝廷的重要职位或机构

  • (2) [crux]∶比喻事物的关键

  • 言行,君子之枢机也。--《易.系辞》

  • 夫耳目,心之枢机也。--《国语.周语下》

  1. 最可敬的枢机现在要见你。

    Their Eminences will see you now .

  2. 本星期早些时候,香港枢机主教陈日君表示,中国的主教祝圣不合法,是在胁迫之下

    Earlier this week , Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen said that the ordinations were illegitimate and coerced .

  3. 经济委员会成员、悉尼总主教乔治•佩尔枢机(CardinalGeorgePell)将任经济秘书处处长。

    Cardinal George Pell , archbishop of Sydney and a member of the advisory commission , will lead the secretariat .

  4. 据NPR新闻的西尔维亚·波焦利报道,弗朗西斯此次选择的枢机主教有他的老朋友,也包括一些梵蒂冈官员。

    NPR 's Sylvia Poggioli reports , Francis has selected old friends and a few Vatican bureaucrats .

  5. 要是世人早日留心比较年轻时候的拉辛格枢机主教(CardinalRatzinger)在20多年前所说的话,预测他会成为下任教皇就是顺理成章的事情了。

    If only society had listened to the younger Cardinal Ratzinger more than 20 years ago - before , of course , it was reasonable to forecast he would be the next Pope .

  6. 如今的卡普托尔包括上城东侧,这座城市最著名的建筑、1880年地震后重修的圣母升天大教堂(CathedraloftheAssumptionoftheBlessedVirginMary)就在这里,有福的枢机主教阿罗杰兹·斯坦皮纳茨(CardinalAlojzijeStepinac)的陵墓也在这里。

    Today , Kaptol comprises the eastern half of Upper Town , anchored by the city 's most famous building : the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary , restored after an 1880 earthquake , and the site of the tomb of the beatified Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac .

  7. 象:古代诗词评赏之枢机

    Image : the Key to the Appreciation of Ancient Poetry

  8. (罗马天主教)枢机主教教团的首领。

    ( Roman Catholic ) the head of the College of Cardinals .

  9. 枢机主教约翰·奥奈耶坎称这个事件是国家的丑事。

    Cardinal John Onaiyekan called the incident a national embarrassment .

  10. 黄太太形容,枢机「很好人,很疼爱我们,我们都叫他爷爷,幸亏有他帮助,否则我们不能活到今天」。

    It was fortunate that grandpa helped us generously . Otherwise , we could not have survived .

  11. 它已了解到,迪亚斯枢机是在联盟与圣父关于罗州。

    It has been understood that Cardinal Dias is in union with the Holy Father regarding Naju .

  12. 将决定教皇本笃十六世继任者的枢机主教结束了秘密会议前的辩论会。

    The cardinals who will decide who will succeed Pope Benedict have wrapped up their pre-conclave discussions .

  13. 今天,教皇弗郎西斯在梵蒂冈西廷斯教堂主持了首场弥撒仪式,众多枢机主教参加。

    At the Vatican today , Pope Francis led his first mass for cardinals in the Sistine Chapel .

  14. 在星期一选举开始前举行的弥撒说教时,本笃枢机谴责了当今破坏天主教的种种趋势。

    In his homily at a Mass Monday before the conclave started , Cardinal Ratzinger denounced modern trends undermining Catholicism .

  15. 这一枢机主教团上周选举出了新教皇,但是他昨天正式就任罗马教皇。

    The College of Cardinals elected the new Pope last week , but he was officially inaugurated as Pope yesterday .

  16. 尤其是,倡导让再婚者进入教会的枢机主教沃尔特·卡斯帕发表了主题演讲。

    Significantly Cardinal Walter Kasper , who was a leading proponent of reaching out to the remarried gave the keynote address .

  17. 雅典通讯社报道,梵蒂冈一枢机主教委员会同意授予约翰·保罗这个身份。

    The Athens news agency says a commission of cardinals in bishops at the Vatican have approved John Paul 's case .

  18. 在秘密会议开始前,枢机主教进行了保密宣誓,纽约枢机主教蒂莫西·多兰是第一批宣誓的主教之一。

    New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan was among the first to recite the oath of secrecy before the start of the papal conclave .

  19. 只需要点击一个它的枢机主教,然后按照建议者的指示操作。对立教皇会得到相当大的虔诚加。

    The new Antipope will get a considerable boost in piety , making him one of the top-candidates for the next papal elections .

  20. 梵蒂冈国务卿贝尔托内枢机主教在会上宣读了教皇本笃十六世的一封信:

    The Vatican 's secretary of state , Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone read out a message by Pope Benedict to delegates at the summit .

  21. 梵蒂冈方面,教皇弗朗西斯任命了枢机主教团的新成员,主教团负责为教皇提出建议并选择教皇继任者。

    At Vatican , Pope Francis has named the newest members of the college of Cardinals which advices the Pope and chooses his successor .

  22. 目前教区上下正为我们挚爱的胡枢机祝祷,我们决定把廿五周年庆祝活动全部延后举行。

    As the whole Diocese is praying for our Cardinal J.B.WU , we decide to postpone all our25th Anniversary celebrations to a later date .

  23. 本笃枢机:我对父母的善良记忆深刻,而这种善良也包含了说“不”的能力。

    Card . RATZINGER : ( Through Translator ) I always remember affectionately my parents'kind-heartedness , a kind-heartedness that encompasses the ability to say no.

  24. 继任的利奥十三世据说也是如此,他在任期间死了好几个枢机主教。

    Pope Leo X Ⅲ , his successor , was said to have the evil eye because so many cardinals died during his reign .

  25. 在由枢机主教在一个月内选举出新任的主教之前,日常的教庭事务将暂时交由枢机主教们处理。

    Cardinals will deal with the day-to-day running of the Church until they elect a new pope at a conclave later in the month .

  26. 枢机主教团的主持牧师表示,只有所有红衣主教到达罗马才会确定教皇选举日期。

    The dean of the college of cardinals says the date for the conclave won 't be set until all cardinals are in Rome .

  27. 今天早些时候,枢机主教进入教堂,开始选举新教皇的程序,并吟诵了圣徒连祷文。

    Earlier today , cardinals chanted the Litany of Saints as they filed into the chapel to start the process of electing anew pope .

  28. 英国坎特伯力枢机主教罗旺。威廉斯与穆斯林学者塔瑞克。罗玛丹计划向基督教徒穆斯林论坛讲述信仰在英国社会所扮演的角色。

    UK Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams and Muslim Tariq Ramadan plan to address the Christian Muslim Forum on role of faith in British society .

  29. 秘密会议将于明天举行,来自波士顿的肖恩·奥马利以及来自纽约的蒂莫西·多兰,将与其他美国枢机主教一起投票选出继任者。

    The conclave gets underway tomorrow , Sean O'Malley of Boston and Timothy Dolan of New York are among the U.S. cardinals voting on the successor .

  30. 成千上万的人聚集在圣彼得广场,等候看烟囱是冒黑烟和还是白烟来显示枢机主教的投票结果。

    Thousands of onlookers are gathered in St. Peter 's Square to await a signal of black or white smoke to indicate whether a pope has been chosen .