
zhī shāo
  • Branch tip;tip of a branch
枝梢 [zhī shāo]
  • [the tip of a branch] 树枝的顶端

  1. EM对龙眼枝梢生长和叶片光合作用的影响

    The Effect of EM on the Shoot Growth and Photosynthesis in Longan

  2. PP(333)对柚叶片组织结构、枝梢生长及抗寒性的影响

    Effects of PP_ ( 333 ) on tissue structure in leaves , cold resistance and growth of shoots of pummelo trees

  3. 该虫主要危害油松pinustabulaeformis大树及幼树枝梢,严重影响林木生长。云南松害虫分类研究

    It infests branch tips of Pinus tabulaeformis . Taxonomy of Pest Insects of Pinus yunnanensis

  4. 品种、枝梢种类及叶片成熟度不同,其NR活力也不同。

    The NR activities of leaves varied with varieties , type of shoot and maturity of leaf .

  5. FGR对水涨龙眼座果及枝梢生长的效应

    Effects of FGR on fruit setting and shoot growth in ' shuizhang ' longan trees

  6. 研究了3种浓度EM-1号原液对龙眼枝梢生长和叶片光合作用的影响。

    The effects of three kinds of concentration of EM-1 original liquid in longan on shoot growth and photosynthesis were studied .

  7. 结果表明:采用IAA和NAA能够提高银杏嫁接成活率,最好组合是A3C2D1,成活率达99.3%,枝梢生长达128.3cm,而GA3则对嫁接成活率有一定的抑制作用;

    The results show that IAA and NAA could improve the living rate of top grafting , with the best ratio being A_3C_2D_1 , the highest living rate being 99.3 % and the branch length being 128.3 cm ; but that GA_3 restrained the living rate .

  8. 用2种吸附剂XAD-2和TENAXTA,采用动态顶空收集法和气相色谱-质谱联用(GC/MS)技术,对自然状态下油松的球果枝梢挥发物进行收集并分析。

    Volatiles of cone and needle from Pinus tabulaeformis were collected by dynamic head-space sampling with XAD-2 and Tenax TA components . Relative contents of volatiles were identified and quantified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry ( GC / MS ) .

  9. 寄生直径小于1.0cm的枝梢,侵入后期11.5%风折,成虫出孔后87.4%的寄生枝梢干枯风折。

    In the late stage , 11 5 % of the branches with diameter less than 1 0 cm will be wind broken . When the adult insect emerges , 87 4 % of the invaded branches will be withered and wind broken .

  10. 在此期间,每头成虫可以蛀食4~6个枝梢。

    Adults bored 4-6 shoots in total during the shoot feeding .

  11. 苹果枝梢化学成分与对苹果绵蚜抗性的比较

    Relationship between chemical content and WAA resistance in Apple twigs

  12. 回缩树冠对珍珠番石榴枝梢生长的影响

    Effects of crown retraction on the shoot growth of pearl-guava

  13. 枇杷种质资源枝梢与叶片性状多样性分析

    Analysis of Shoot and Leaf Characteristics of Loquat Germplasm Resources

  14. 幼虫共4龄,在6~7月取食1、2年生枝梢的皮和针叶;

    Larva ate skin and needle of annual and biennial branch in June-July ;

  15. 复配药剂防治龙眼枝梢害虫试验

    Effect test of compound pesticides on pests of longan

  16. 研究了云杉、松树及杉木等树种枝梢害虫的区系。

    The fauna of spruce , pines and Chinese fir branch-shoot pests were studied .

  17. 人工模拟冻害对龙眼枝梢水分输导能力的影响

    Effect of imitated freeze injury on moisture content translocation ability of longan branch tips

  18. 松树枝梢发育的细节近来变得对林学家们更为重要了。

    The details of pine shoot development have recently become of more importance to foresters .

  19. 在福建闽北一带,该虫一年发生一代,以幼虫在枝梢越冬,3月下旬雌、雄性幼虫相继化蛹;

    This insect has one generation a year in North Fukien and overwinters in larval stage .

  20. 桃花芽生理分化与枝梢类型、芽在枝梢上所处部位的关系研究

    Flower physiological differentiation of peach as related to twig type and bud position on the twig

  21. 主要研究了柑桔不同高接换种方法和管理方式对枝梢萌发生长的影响。

    The effects of different top-working positions and cultivation methods on grafted-bud germination and shoot growth were studied .

  22. 雷州桉树枝梢弯曲生理病与微肥施用效果研究初报

    Effect of the Application of Microelement Fertilizer to the Disease of Tip and Branch Curving of Eucalyptus in Leizhou

  23. 孵化的幼虫停息在卵块上3-4天后爬到枝梢取食橄榄新叶。

    After 3-4 days staying on egg mass , the hatching larvae move to shoots and eat new leaves .

  24. 抑制效应在药剂超过2000μg/g时,抑制强度与浓度升高不呈比例关系,并可能影响枝梢花芽分化;

    But when the concentrations were over 2000 μ g / g , flower bud differentiation could be inhibited .

  25. 晚熟龙眼果实成熟阶段枝梢直径变化及其影响因子

    Variation in Shoot Diameter and Impact Factors of Late Longan Variety " Dongbao 9 " at Fruit Maturity Stage

  26. 因此吾主上主这样说:因它枝干高大,枝梢插入云霄,遂因自己高大而心高气傲。

    That is why thus says Yahweh : Because it grew tall and reached the clouds and became proud .

  27. 微红梢斑螟等松梢害虫危害率调查表明,处理枝梢的被害率也明显低于对照枝梢。

    The field survey showed the damage rate of the treated pine shoots were lower than that of control obviously .

  28. 发病严重时引起落果、落叶、枝梢枯死,树势生长衰弱。病果含油率降低30.4&42.3%。

    When the disease was serious , it caused 30.4 & 40.3 % decrease in the yield of oil of olive fruits .

  29. 在害虫区系与分类方面,已基本查明我国重要枝梢害虫的种类、分布及危害情况;

    On the Pest 's classification and fauna it has been known the species , distribution and damage situation for important pests .

  30. 采用三年逐步回缩更新法,探讨回缩后枇杷树冠、枝梢、果实的生长发育,以及产量和经济效应。

    The effects of cutting back on growth of tree-crown , shoot , bearing and yield in degenerative loquat tree were studied .