
guǒ bǐng
  • Fruit stalk;carpopodium
果柄[guǒ bǐng]
  1. 对于果重、果柄长度遗传而言,HS-22作母本优于HS-20。

    As to heredity of the heavy of fruit and the length of carpopodium , HS-22 makes female parent be superior to HS-20 .

  2. 苹果幼果发育期果柄结构和Ca、Mg、K水平的变化

    Changes of the pedicel structure and Ca , Mg , K levels during apple fruitlet development

  3. GO基因导入棉花后,会引起株型变矮,果柄变长,单株成铃数和纤维品质明显提高等农艺性状变化。

    When GO gene was transducted in cotton , the cotton plant became dwarf , the boll stems became longer , the number of bolls increased and the fiber attributes improved .

  4. ABA和乙稀利喷穗则使果柄的耐拉力明显降低。

    ABA and ethrel spray treatment sharply decreased the attachment of stem to the fruit .

  5. 内源IAA含量存在果柄>梗洼部果内>去籽果实的浓度梯度,且这种浓度梯度中心果高于边果。

    The gradient of endogenous IAA content followed the pattern of pedicel > basic part of fruit > de-seeded fruit .

  6. 采用正交试验探讨6-BA、GA3、2,4-D不同浓度组合幼果期涂抹果柄对溪蜜抽果实粒化的影响。

    An orthogonal design experiment was used to investigate the effects of a combination of 6-BA , GA3 , 2 , 4-D at different concentrations on juice sac granulation of Guanxi pomelo fruit .

  7. 碱性Ⅱ在果柄与果实中的表达量与果实各部位RFOs的含量呈正相关,表明其可能参与果实水苏糖的卸载。

    Compared with pedicel , the expression of alkaline form II decline with the change of the RFOs content in the fruit , suggesting that it may be involved the unloading of the stachyose .

  8. 果蔬最少加工;荔枝果柄结构发育与落果的关系

    The Relationship between Structures of Fruit Stalks and Fruit Dropping in Litchi

  9. 节间和果柄维管束中主要含有蔗糖。

    Sucrose was the main sugar in the internode and peduncle vascular bundle .

  10. 京白梨果实通过果柄吸水速率与果实蒸腾速率有正相关趋势。

    Fruit water uptake via its pedicel showed a positive relation with fruit transpiration rates .

  11. 油松球果果柄切割参数优化的试验研究

    Test and Study on the optimization of cutting parameters of the corms of Chinese Pine

  12. 不仅仅是果皮,被我们一同丢弃的果核和果柄也很有营养价值。

    And the skin is not the only healthy bit we discard & stalks and cores can also be packed with nutrients .

  13. 病株花柄和幼嫩果柄的超薄切片中也观察到这种细菌。7.花序梗、花梗的长、直径、毛被、具苞片和小苞片的情况;

    They were also observed in thin sections of pedicels and tender fruit stalks of diseased apples . 7 . Peduncles , pedicels and bracts ;

  14. 在荔枝种子发育的各阶段,对落果与坐果果柄进行比较解剖观察,结果表明,落果果柄各组织、细胞的数量和分化速度均不及坐果果柄。

    Numbers and the differentiation speed of tissues and cells of fruit stalks at different stages during seed development in litchi were observed by means of comparative anatomy .

  15. 结果表明,①新疆野苹果的果实形状、大小、颜色和果柄长度等形态性状的变异系数均在10%以上,表现出较丰富的遗传多样性,3个居群的变异趋势基本一致。

    The results indicated that fruit shape , size , color and length of carpopodium have great morphological diversity with the variation coefficient of more than 10 % .

  16. 第一代田间发生量极少,第2~6代幼虫取食果柄、蛀食栗果,造成严重危害。

    Numbers of first generation are very few in the field , larva of generations 2 ~ 6 eats fruit stalks , and fruits , causing serious damages .

  17. 与自然授粉相比,用单一授粉品种授粉,缩短了果柄长度,改变了果形指数。

    Comparing with open pollination , pollinating with single kind of pollen shortened the length of fruit handle and changed the index of fruit shape of female parent fruits .

  18. 蔗糖在叶脉到果柄的维管束中形成了一定的浓度梯度,保证了蔗糖从源到库的顺向运输。

    Sucrose in the stalk of the vascular bundles forms a certain concentration gradient from vein to carpopodium , which ensure that the sugar transport from the source to sink .

  19. 尽管上述四种方法均能对番茄果实形成有效侵染,但花后10天的番茄果实果柄注射是在番茄果实中建立病毒诱导基因沉默的最有效方法。

    Although VIGS can be performed in tomato fruit by all of the means mentioned above , the most effective method is to inject the TRV-vector into the carpopodium of young fruit attached to the plant about 10 days after pollination .

  20. 可溶性糖含量、种子油含量、果实大小、果实密度、果柄长度、这五个性状也属数量性状遗传,大体上呈现出一定程度的低亲变异倾向。

    The content of Soluble candy , the content of seed oil , the heavy of fruit , the density of fruits , the length of carpopodium the five properties belong to quantity properties heredity too , take on hereditary variation inclination of low parent .

  21. 通过离体番茄果实的真空渗透,活体果实的果实表面,果柄和果茎注射等方式侵染番茄果实,烟草脆裂病毒在番茄果实中能有效的复制和转移。

    We report that either by syringe-infiltrating the TRV-vector into the surface , stem or carpopodium of a tomato fruit attached to the plant or by vacuum-infiltrating into a tomato fruit detached from the plant , TRV can efficiently spread and replicate in the tomato fruit .

  22. gp时突变体的长角果长度,花梗柄部长度大于野生型,而超表达Ga植株种英则略小于对照;

    The silique length and the pedicel length is larger in mutants than that of wild type , and slightly smaller in overexpression lines than the control ;

  23. 简要介绍了枸杞的栽培品种及其特性,分析了枸杞果、叶、果柄的营养成分与药用成分,阐述了枸杞在现代医学研究及临床研究方面的应用。

    This paper briefly introduces cultivated varieties and features of Chinese wolfberry , analyses on the nutritional ingredients and medicinal components of its fruit , leaf and fruit stem , and expounds the application of Chinese wolfberry in aspects of modern medical research and clinical research .

  24. 结果表明边果中IAA和过氧化物酶含量均高于中心果。但是离体果柄对14C-IAA的极性运输能力中心果强于边果。

    The results showed that the activity of peroxidases which was higher in the lateral fruits than that in the king fruits correlated with CO2 production of IAA oxidation .