
  • 网络Lincoln Center;Lincoln Center of the Performing Arts
  1. 林肯艺术中心:这里的芭蕾舞和歌剧表演享有盛誉。

    Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts : It is known for its ballet and opera performances .

  2. 11月5日,在纽约林肯艺术中心将举行盛大的颁奖礼。

    The former Alias star will be honoured at a glitzy event at New York 's Lincoln Centre on November 5 .

  3. 以及查理·拉维特(CharlieLovett)在纽约公共图书馆为林肯表演艺术中心举办的活动。

    and Charlie Lovett at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center .

  4. 纽约林肯表演艺术中心北广场,美国

    Lincoln Center for The Performing Arts , New York , USA , 1960

  5. 他的诗曾被改编为现代舞蹈及音乐剧,分别在纽约的林肯艺术表演中心及芝加哥地区的戏院演出。

    His poems have been adapted to modern dance at New York 's Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and to musical drama in the Chicago area .