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  • 网络lyndon;Linden;brian linden;lindon;Lynden
  1. 林登实验室计划增聘雇员,向开放源代码(OpenSource)社区开放系统,以帮助公司发展。

    Linden Lab 's plan is to hire more people and to open up its system to the Open Source community to aid its development .

  2. KarmaScience公司由斯坦福MBA本•刘易斯和密歇根大学罗斯商学院(MichiganRoss)MBA李•林登在2011年创立,已经成为通过移动设备实时进行个人礼物馈赠的典范。

    Launched in 2011 by Stanford MBA Ben Lewis and Michigan Ross MBA Lee Linden , Karma created a model for person-to-person gifting via mobile devices in real-time .

  3. 肯尼迪的后任,林登b约翰逊总统执政期间制定了许多新的社会福利计划。

    Many new social welfare programs were created during the administration of kennedy 's successor , President Lyndon b.johnson .

  4. 当我开始上小学的时候,林登·B·约翰逊将这个契约扩大到包括给老年人的健康保健。

    Around the time I started grade school , Lyndon B.Johnson expanded the generational compact to include health care for the elderly .

  5. 八天后,林登·B.约翰逊(LyndonB.Johnson)总统发起一项议案,后来发展成《1965年选举权法》(VotingRightsActof1965),保证每一个美国人都享有投票选举的权利。

    Eight days later , President Lyndon B.Johnson proposed what became the Voting Rights Act of1965 to ensure every American the right to vote .

  6. 林登和他的同事们估计,美国劳动力的总薪酬,要占到iPod价值链中所有劳动力的薪酬总额的三分之二以上。

    Linden and his colleagues reckon that US workers earned more than two-thirds of all the wages paid to workers in the iPod value chain .

  7. Benchmark还曾负责众多相当成功的创业公司的初期融资,例如eBay、林登实验室、Yelp和Zillow等等。

    Benchmark is responsible for early stage funding of some very successful startups such as eBay , Linden Labs , Yelp and Zillow .

  8. 房利美以这种形式一直运作到1968年,时任美国总统的林登•约翰逊(LyndonJohnson)使其变成了政府赞助企业(GSE)。

    It survived in this form until 1968 , when Lyndon Johnson , then the US president , turned Fannie into a government-sponsored enterprise .

  9. 在布什任期的头五年,实际联邦人均花费每年增长3.1%,使他成为林登?约翰逊(LyndonJohnson)以来最省钱的总统(见列表)。

    In Mr Bush 's first five years real per head federal spending grew by3.1 % annually , making him the most fritter-happy president since Lyndon Johnson ( see table ) .

  10. 去年8月,亚历克斯·C·斯奈德(AlexC.Snyder)——在网络论坛上名叫Axcho——辞去软件公司林登实验室(LindenLab)的工作,开始售卖自己生产的类Soylent产品,比如Schmoylent和Schmilk。

    Alex C. Snyder , known on Internet forums as " Axcho , " quit his job at the software company Linden Lab last August to sell his own variants of Soylent , like Schmoylent and Schmilk .

  11. 事情在2003年发生了变化。总部位于旧金山的游戏开发商&林登实验室(LindenLab)在那年推出了第二生命,让游戏玩家拥有自己创造或购买物品的所有权和销售权,赚取真实的利润。

    This changed in 2003 when Linden Lab , a San Francisco-based game developer , launched Second Life and gave players ownership rights over the items they created or bought and the right to sell them for a profit in real dollars .

  12. 三都波佩斯库,保罗Skrzypczyk和诺亚林登三位科学家是谁在项目中工作。

    Sandu Popescu , Paul Skrzypczyk and Noah Linden are three scientists who worked on the project .

  13. 也许会如此。不过SolarCity首席执行官林登•莱福强调,项目是安全的,因为美国人通常不会拒绝支付水电账单。

    Perhaps , but SolarCity CEO Lyndon Rive insists these projects are safe because Americans almost always pay their utility bills .

  14. 除了这两个首席执行官职务,穆斯克还在担任太阳城(SolarCity)公司董事长,这家太阳能面板供应商和安装商目前由他的表弟彼得o里沃和林登o里沃打理。

    In addition to his two chief executive roles , Musk is chairman of SolarCity , a solar-panel supplier and installer run by his cousins Peter and Lyndon Rive .

  15. 它甚至还指责林登.约翰逊对刺杀给予掩护。

    It even blames Lyndon Johnson for helping in the cover-up .

  16. 你可以购买和出售土地和文物,这虚拟世界与林登美元。

    Can you tell me how to get to Linden Street , in Riverdale ?

  17. 林登o贝恩斯o约翰逊上的是德州西南师范学院。

    LBJ attended Southwest Texas State Teachers College .

  18. 林登·。约翰逊总统没有回复他的信件;

    Lyndon Johnson would not answer his letters ;

  19. 林登-约翰逊(1908-1973),美国第36任总统。

    Lyndon B. Johnson ( 1908 & 1973 ), 36th president of the United States .

  20. 罗伯特?卡罗则凭借他第三部描写前任总统林登?约翰逊的传记获得了一项普利策奖。

    Robert Caro won a Pulitzer Prize for his third book about former President Lyndon johnson .

  21. 林登先生跟他儿子之间的经历是无数父母都有过的经历。

    Mr linden 's experiences with his son are ones that are shared by countless other parents .

  22. 林登就读于德克萨斯州西南师范学院,1930年毕业之后成为了一名老师。

    He workedhis way through Southwest Texas State Teachers College and graduated as a teacher in 1930 .

  23. 他喜欢开玩笑,很机灵,态度坚定,而且和林登。约翰逊一样,也很会做交易。

    He was funny , smart , tough , and as good at deal making as LBJ .

  24. 她表示:我们给(从林登实验室)购买的土地增加了价值。

    We added value to the land we bought [ from Linden Lab ] , she says .

  25. 林登实验室还提供货币兑换,将在第二生命挣的虚拟林登元,兑换为真正的美元。

    It also provides a currency exchange for converting virtual Linden dollars earned in-world to real dollars .

  26. 那么我刚读完罗伯特?卡罗的《林登?约翰逊的一生》第三卷

    Now , I have just finished the third volume of Robert Caro 's Life of Lyndon Johnson ,

  27. 拉塞尔?M?林登创立的无缝隙政府理论源于对政府传统组织模式的批判。

    Based on criticism of the government 's traditional organization , Russell.M.Linden points out the theory of seamless government .

  28. “我们相信这是最小的可能的事情,你可以调用一个冰箱,”林登告诉科学新闻。

    " We believe this is the smallest possible thing you can call a fridge ," Linden told Science News .

  29. 贫穷虽有许多原因,但最主要是因为无知&林登.B。约翰逊,美国前总统。

    Poverty has many roots , but the top root is ignorance & Lyndon . B.Johnson , former American president .

  30. 艾尔蒙特位于新泽西州林登市的分公司经理正在见证两位数的同比增长。

    The manager at the El Monte branch in Linden , New Jersey is seeing double-digit growth over last year .