
  1. 针阔混交林为全沟硬蜱(46.1%)和森林革蜱(31.8%)。

    Silvarum ( 31.8 % ) in the conifer-broadleaf woods .

  2. 凝集素抑制林蛙卵裂沟新膜外露的作用

    The inhibitory effects of lectins on the exposure of new membrane during the first cleavage of Rana amurensis eggs

  3. 研究结果表明,该森林流域的泥沙来源主要是林道、沟道、沟道两边裸露地;

    Results show that the major sources of sediment are forest paths , stream channels and the bare land beside stream channels .

  4. 结果表明:以天然次生林为主的鱼池沟的静态持水能力强于以人工林为主的光明沟。

    Results showed that water-holding capacity of water conservation forest in yuchi ditch , dominated by natural second growth forest was significantly stronger than that in guangming ditch dominated by planted forest .