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  • 网络Wood
  1. 提出了人工林材性与培育及利用关系学这一新概念;

    The new concept of study on the relationships between wood properties , silviculture and wood utilization in fast growing plantations is proposed ;

  2. 青钱柳人工林材性试验研究

    Study on Physical and Mechanical Nature of Cyclocarya paliurus Wood from its Plantation

  3. 红皮云杉人工林材性与年龄效应

    The relation of plantation timber and age of red dragon spruce

  4. 福建青冈天然林材积生长27年生后明显增加,48年生时材积平均生长量与连年生长量仍未相交。

    The volume growth of the natural forest increased remarkably after 27 years old .

  5. 杨树工业用材林材种蓄积量测定方法研究

    A Study on the Testing Method of Growing Stock of Timber Assortments of Poplar Industrial Forest

  6. 福建省杉木人工林材性产区效应的研究Ⅱ.木材力学性质

    Effect of Productive Regions on Wood Properties of Chinese Fir from Plantations in Fujian Province ⅱ Mechanic properties

  7. 定量地研究年轮密度变异规律,得到基本密度与管胞形态特征间的关系,对工业材良种选育及用林材的培育具有重要的指导意义。

    It has very significant sense for cultivating forests to research the variation regulation of wood ring density quantificationally and then to get to the relation between the basic density and the anatomical characteristic of tracheid .

  8. 红松人工林幼龄材与成熟材干缩性的比较

    Shrinkage of Juvenile Wood and Mature Wood of Pinus koraiensis Plantation

  9. 杉木林杆材阶段能量积累和分配的研究

    Solar Energy Storage and Distribution in Bole Stage of Chinese Fir Plantation

  10. 结果表明,15,20和30年人工林主要材性指标差异不显著;

    The results showed that there were no evident differences in wood natures among 15 , 20 and 30 year plantations .

  11. 工业人工林发展与材性育种

    Development of Industrial Plantations and Tree Breeding for Wood Improvement

  12. 分等方法对我国人工林杉木规格材等级的影响

    Effects of Grading Methods on Dimension Lumber Grades for Chinese Fir Plantation

  13. 马尾松人工林速生材表面强化工艺综合评价

    Synthetic Estimation of Surface Strengthening Technique For Fast-growing Lumber from Pinus massoniana Plantation

  14. 人工林花旗松建筑材加速干燥工艺研究

    Accelerating drying of plantation Douglas-fir timber for structural use

  15. 人工林杉木幼龄材与成熟材的界定及材质早期预测

    Demarcation of Juvenile Wed and Mature Wood of Planted Chinese Fir and Its Wood Quality Prediction

  16. 杨树速生丰产用材林中径材大面积栽培试验研究简报

    The cultivation experiment of middle size logs in large area of fast-growing high yield Populus timber forests

  17. 红松人工林大径材培育及种材兼用效果分析

    Analysis on Effect of Large Diameter Wood Cultivating and Exploitation both Seed and Timber for Korean Pine Plantation

  18. 木材染色是人工林速生材常用的一种改性处理方法。

    Wood dyeing is one kind of method , which is often used by modifying the wood of fast grown plantation tree .

  19. 同时通过建立树高曲线模型和其他的辅助模型,对杉木人工林的林分材种结构规律进行预测。

    At the same time , through the establishment of tree height curve model and other auxiliary model for the Cunninghamia lanceolata , the plantation stand structure rules are predicted .

  20. 通过对人工林速生材进行强化处理,提高材质,扩大应用范围,从而开辟了适合生产利用的新途径。

    By strengthening fast-growing wood , improving its properties and extending its application range , we can open up a new method adapted to produce , it is important in practice .

  21. 12种速生人工林树种幼龄材的室内耐腐性试验

    Laboratory Decay Resisting Test of Young Timber of 12 Fast Growing Species

  22. 人工林单叶省藤材性研究

    Studies on Wood Properties of Plantation Rattan

  23. 在福建洋口林场4年生的杉木人工林建立无节材培育试验地。

    An experimental base was established to produce knot-free timbers in a4-year-old plantation of Cunninghamia lanceolata in Yangkou National Forest Farm , Fujian , China .

  24. 毛白杨木质素合成相关基因分离和转基因杨树植株获得人工林毛白杨木材材色测定及其株间变异

    Isolation of cDNAs Encoding Enzymes Involved in Lignin Biosynthesis and Obtainment of Transgenic Poplars ; Determination of Wood Color Characteristics and Its Variation among Trees of Chinese White Poplar Plantation

  25. 尤溪国有林场杉木人工林林分材种出材率表的编制人工林毛白杨木材材色测定及其株间变异

    Working out Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation Stand Species Outturn Percentage Table of Youxi National Forest Farm Determination of Wood Color Characteristics and Its Variation among Trees of Chinese White Poplar Plantation

  26. 人工林毛白杨木材材色测定及其株间变异杨木和樟子松单板紫外光诱发变色的研究

    Determination of Wood Color Characteristics and Its Variation among Trees of Chinese White Poplar Plantation Study on the Induced Discoloration of Poplar and Mongolian Scotch Pine Veneer by UV Light

  27. 香椿人工林和天然林木材材性的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Properties of Toona sinensis Wood from Plantation and Natural Forest